These Adorable Animals Can Transmit Infections to Human

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Jakarta – Adorable animals have a lot of charm, from playful puppies and cuddly kittens to majestic elephants and colorful birds, their diverse forms and behaviors never fail to evoke joy. 

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Their presence in our lives brings immeasurable happiness, teaching us about empathy, responsibility, and the beauty of the natural world. 

Several types of pets that are commonly kept by people include dogs and cats. This furry animal is considered very cute and obedient, so many people keep it as a pet at home.

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Unfortunately, these adorable animals can transmit infections to people. Read below to know more. 

1. Cat

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Ilustrasi kucing berbulu putih atau kucing putih.

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For those of you who have cats at home, you should remain alert. Since cats can cause fever in cats, this is usually caused by a mild infection due to a cat scratch or bite by Bartonella bacteria.

Bartonella bacteria cause several diseases in humans. The three most common diseases are cat scratch disease.

2. Dog

Ilustrasi anjing.

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  • freepik/Racool_studio

Dogs are one of the pets that are popular among the public. However, even if you have a dog, it's a good idea to remain vigilant.

Because dogs are known to cause rabies. To prevent rabies, don't forget to give the rabies vaccine to prevent rabies due to dog bites

3. Birds

It's a good idea for people who choose birds as pets to remain alert. Because birds can cause psacosis or bird fever. Because bird droppings contain bacteria that can be transmitted to humans. People who suffer from psacosis will experience coughing up blood, shortness of breath, and even joint pain.

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