Jokowi Ensures Rice Reserve is Controlled to Stabilize Prices

Beras Bulog.
Sumber :
  • Destriadi Yunas Jumasani/VIVA.

Jakarta – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ensured that rice reserve stocks are controlled so that the rice price is still in stability even though the harvest season experienced setbacks due to the El Nino phenomenon. 

Prabowo, SBY, and Jokowi Unite at Magelang Retreat for Regional Leaders

"We can control it because Bulog's current stock is also very good at the end of last year, still at 1.4 million tons and this will be added to strategic reserves so we are truly safe because the harvest will be delayed," the President said in a statement after visiting Purworejo market, Central Java Province on Tuesday. 

The President stated that rice prices in all countries have increased due to climate change and the El Nino phenomenon. However, the Head of State said that the increase in rice prices in Indonesia was not as drastic as in other countries.

Prabowo Bangga Jokowi dan SBY Hadiri Retreat Kepala Daerah di Magelang

Ilustrasi beras

Photo :
  • Pixabay

"There was climate change and super El Nino, then 22 countries stopped exporting their rice, so there was a shock to rice prices and food prices in the world," President Jokowi remarked. 

Diapit SBY dan Jokowi, Prabowo Hujan-hujanan Cek Pasukan Parade Senja di Akmil Magelang

"Everyone, all countries are experiencing this, but in our country, the increase is not as drastic as other countries," he added. 

In addition to rice, the President also reviewed the prices of other staple foods such as chilies. However, he said that the price of chilies in the market had decreased from the previous high chili prices.

"Yesterday, it increased very high, cayenne pepper was up to IDR 120,000. I last saw it in Jakarta, now it has dropped here to IDR 70,000 which is very good I think, everything else is the same," President Jokowi concluded. 

Ahmad Luthfi dan Khofifah Indar Parawansa ajak kepala daerah sowan Jokowi di Solo.

Rampung Retret di Akmil, Gubernur Ahmad Luthfi dan Khofifah Ajak Rombongan Kepala Daerah Sowan ke Jokowi

Pertemuan tersebut berlangsung tertutup selama dua jam.

28 Februari 2025

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