Jokowi Urges All Parties to Ensure Election Readiness in 2024

Presiden Joko Widodo
Sumber :
  • Istimewa/Biro Pers Istana Kepresidenan

Jakarta – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged all levels of the General Election Commission (KPU) to ensure readiness for the 2024 general election.

The Head of State said that the KPU must be ready to carry out the 2024 election which is considered more complex so that it remains honest and fair. 

“The 2024 election is only 45 days away, the time is very close, everything must be ready," President Jokowi said at Istora Senayan, Jakarta on Saturday. 

"Indeed, the 2024 election is very complex - this is a simultaneous election, presidential, House of Representatives, Regional House of Representatives in provinces, districts, and cities," he added. 

Capres dan Cawapres saat Debat Capres Pertama di KPU

Photo :
  • vstory

The President assessed that the complexity of the 2024 election can be seen from the number of participants consisting of more than 204 million voters spread across 38 provinces. 

In addition, the democratic party also involved 18 national political parties and 6 local Acehnese parties.

"You can't imagine how complex our elections are, they are very complex,"

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Therefore, the Head of State appealed to all levels of the KPU to carry out the elections as well as possible.

Moreover, the President remarked that everything must be ensured properly so that no mistakes occur.

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"We have to ensure that the governance,  officers are good, the availability of logistics, distribution of logistics must also be good,  and the readiness of the systems and technology must also be good," the Head of State emphasized. 

"Don't let anything get lost, everything has to be good. And there can be no mistakes, including the technical aspects," President Jokowi continued. 

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The President also mentioned: "We have to pay attention to small things in detail because technical negligence can have political implications, can have political implications, can spread everywhere and can disrupt the conduciveness of the country, which can disrupt the legitimacy of our elections,"

Amid the digital era, the President also appealed to the use of information systems and election support devices to function properly. 

This is considered important so that the election can be avoided from hacking.

“Even the slightest inaccuracy immediately (impacts) public trust. This kind of thing should not happen. All of us together have to protect this,"

On this occasion, the Head of State invited all parties to work together to safeguard and support the implementation of the 2024 elections so that they can run well. 

Furthermore, President Jokowi emphasized that apart from supporting the implementation of elections, the ranks of State civil servants, the Indonesian National Army, National Indonesian Police must still maintain their neutrality.

“State officials must support the task of organizing elections. For example, assistance (in) sending logistics to difficult places and outer areas that cannot be done by us, can be assisted by state officials, both Indonesian National Army, Indonesian National Police," President Jokowi explained. 

Regarding every citizen's right to vote, President Jokowi asked the KPU to ensure that this is maintained and to serve voters without discrimination. The President also asked the KPU to educate voters so that they are smart in making choices.

“Don't believe untrusty news, especially those that can spark conflict and division. Political education must be carried out on a massive scale, not only educating about the stages of elections but also inviting people to become intelligent voters," the President concluded. 

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