16 Workers Killed in Nickel Smelter Furnace Explosion

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Sumber :
  • VIVA/Supriadi Maud

Sulawesi – The death toll from the massive explosion at the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) smelter in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, continues to rise.

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The total number of workers killed in the nickel mining smelter explosion incident is now 16.

"The death toll has now increased again. There are three workers who were previously seriously injured and died in the hospital yesterday," said Suprianto, Morowali Police Chief AKBP on Tuesday.

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Tungku smelter di Morowali, Sulteng yang meledak.

Photo :
  • istimewa/Supriadi Maud

Suprianto explained that the three victims who died had received treatment at Morowali Regional Hospital after suffering severe burns.

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However, because the wounds were quite severe, they died during treatment.

He revealed that those who died were two foreign workers from China and one migrant worker from Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, Dedy Kurniawan, Media Relations Head of IMIP said that currently there are nine bodies of Indonesian workers have been returned to their respective families.

Then, there are 4 bodies of foreign workers from China who have also been repatriated to their countries. The four bodies were first repatriated through Hasanuddin airport in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, and then flown to China.

"A total of nine Indonesian workers are already in the process of being handed over to their respective funeral homes," Kurniawan remarked.

Specifically for the bodies of foreign workers, IMIP has sent the bodies of the four foreign workers to Makassar by land on Sunday night.

"Furthermore, the bodies will be flown to China," Kurniawan remarked. 

For now, a total of 16 workers have died as a result of the smelting furnace explosion in the IMIP area on Sunday, December 24, at around 5:30 a.m. local time. 

The explosion happened on the second floor and third floor of the ITSS smelter area.

As a result of the explosion, it was reported that 51 workers were victims of the explosion, consisting of 16 workers who died, 6 foreign workers from China and 10 workers from Indonesia. The rest are still being treated at the hospital.

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