Ministry Prepares 2.000 Health Service Posts for 'Nataru' Holidays

Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru (Nataru)
Sumber :

Jakarta – The Indonesian Health Ministry is preparing 2,000 health service posts to prepare for the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) movement. 

Health service posts will be spread across several points busy with passengers traveling or returning home.

"We have prepared by establishing more than 2,000 service posts (health)," said the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin in Jakarta on Friday. 

Then, 15,000 health workers will service the public in the health service posts.  The distribution of health posts is mainly at public transportation locations.

It's known that more than 100 million people will travel during the Christmas and New Year holidays in 2024.

"We have prepared ourselves by establishing more than 2,000 service posts, we have prepared 15,000 people at all critical points," the Minister informed. 

The two thousand service posts will be spread across toll roads, train stations, airports, and ports. Which is a location that many people expect to move to.

"We hope that if, for example, there is a health problem, we can respond to it well," 

Telkomsel Sukses Tangani 93 Persen Gangguan Selama Libur Nataru

Meanwhile, Covid-19 in Indonesia is increasing again. The Minister revealed that weekly positive cases of Covid-19 reached 2,800. This figure, he said, is still considered safe.

“2,800 per week. This is still at WHO level 1. Still relatively safe. We are now at 2,800 per week, from the previous limit of around 56,000 per week," Minister Sadikin stated. 

Naik 42,9 %, KAI Bandara Medan Angkut 240 Ribu Penumpang Selama Libur Nataru

 "So it's still relatively small, but there has been quite a big increase in the last few weeks," 

Moreover, Minister Sadikin appealed to people who are going home or out of town during the Christmas and New Year 2024 holidays to wear masks, especially when using public transportation.

Posko Nataru Sektor ESDM Dinilai Sukses, Bahlil Tugaskan Tim yang Sama Urus Posko Ramadan-Idul Fitri 2025

He also appealed to the public to vaccinate against COVID-19 at community health centers or health facilities.

Menteri Kesehatan (Menkes), Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

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Program cek kesehatan gratis selama bulan Ramadan akan berjalan sesuai dengan jam operasional puskesmas di wilayah masing-masing. 

26 Februari 2025