Gibran Focuses on Eradicating Stunting in Indonesia

Cawapres Gibran Rakabuming Raka saat debat KPU.
Sumber :
  • Istimewa

Jakarta – Vice Presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka will focus on eradicating Stunting and the availability of sanitation in Indonesia if he and Prabowo Subianto are elected. 

KPK Respon Permintaan Prabowo supaya Aktif Awasi Pelaksanaan Haji

According to him, these two things are the driving force for the creation of a golden generation in the future.

"The issue of sanitation and clean water is very important because we, candidate pair number 2, want to prepare a healthy and intelligent golden generation," said Gibran Rakabuming during the first vice presidential debate at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), on Friday.

Eks Penyidik KPK jadi Eselon 2 dan 1 di BP Haji, Dahnil: Menjawab Arahan Presiden

Gibran Rakabuming Raka Debat Cawapres Pemilu 2024

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

"We do all this in parallel, we prepare nutrition, sanitation, drainage, and clean water for slum areas in parallel," he added.

DPR Usul Pelibatan BPOM dalam Program MBG

Gibran gave an example of what he did when he was Mayor of Solo. One is the construction of a Communal Waste Water Treatment Plant (IPAL).

Earlier, Communal IPAL was a place for centralized management of household waste in one location for the public interest.

"For example, what I did in Solo, we built a communal IPAL in densely populated housing, this is very important," Gibran remarked. 

He also mentioned: "Then for clean water needs, we also collaborate with surrounding districts, for example with Wonogiri, Klaten, to get clean water,"

Gibran added that national strategic projects are important to continue the irrigation program which is useful for providing clean water.

“In the future, the issue of sanitation and clean water will become very important. If we intervene in the Stunting problem, we must also intervene where they live," he concluded.

Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, Rini Widyantini

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Aparatur Sipil Negara atau ASN belum bisa dipindahkan ke Ibu Kota Negara atau IKN di Nusantara Kalimantan Timur, dalam waktu dekat. Ini karena banyak kementerian dipecah

8 Januari 2025