Muhaimin Promises 5 Percent of State Budget Allocation for Youth

Muhaimin Iskandar Debat Cawapres Pemilu 2024
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – The Vice Presidential candidtae number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar or known as Cak Imin stated that he plans to allocate 5 percent of the state budget or around IDR 150 trillion for Youth, if elected. 

"Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar or AMIN will ensure 5 percent of the state budget, or around IDR 150 trillion, is allocated for Youth Business Credit (KAMU)," said Cak Imin at the first vice presidential debate of the 2024 General Elections, at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Friday. 

He stated that young people have great energy to try their hand at business, but they usually lack capital. Therefore, the AMIN pair is aiming to launch the KAMU program.

According to Muhaimin, with the program, young people will have as much as possible access to credit to improve the economy.

Muhaimin Iskandar Debat Cawapres Pemilu 2024

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Furthermore, to encourage the growth of the economy and development in villages, the pair will also aim to increase village funds from IDR 1 billion per village to IDR 5 billion per village.

"We will realize villages that are growing and developing; God willing, we will realize Rp5 billion per village," Muhaimin remarked. 

The first vice presidential debate was held on Friday as part of the 2024 General Elections debate series. The themes of Friday's debate covered digital economy, investment, trade, and state budget management, among others.

Tom Lembong Ditegur Hakim pada Sidang Perdana, Diminta Duduk Sempurna

Indonesia will hold the general elections on February 14, 2024, with the participation of around 204.8 million voters.

Three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates are contesting the elections - Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

Momen Anies dan Tom Lembong Bertemu di Ruang Sidang Pengadilan Tipikor
Menteri Koordinator bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Menko PM) Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin (tengah) di Kantor Kemenko PM, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Menko Cak Imin: Penyaluran Zakat Bakal Gunakan DTSEN Biar Tepat Sasaran

Menko Cak Imin memastikan seluruh lembaga zakat bekerja secara independen.

13 Maret 2025