5 Indonesian Athletes Already Qualify for the 2024 Paris Olympics

Olimpiade Paris 2024
Sumber :
  • cgtn.com

Jakarta – Seven months before the 2024 Paris Olympics, the Indonesian Olympic Committee (NOC Indonesia) continues to prioritize the Indonesian Team's preparations for this four-year multi-event.

Raja Sapta Oktohari, General Chair of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (NOC Indonesia) stated the readiness of the Indonesian contingent to also introduce Olympic values to all corners of the country.

"For the 2024 Paris Olympics, the Indonesian Team has qualified as many as five athletes and this could increase because qualifications will continue until mid-2024," he said on Wednesday.

Olimpiade Paris 2024

Photo :
  • AP Photo/Christophe Ena

The Indonesian team has secured five tickets to appear at the 2024 Paris Olympics, namely archers Arif Dwi Pangestu and Diananda Choirunisa, artistic gymnast Rifda Irfanalutfi, and rock climbers Desak Made Rita and Rahmad Adi Mulyono.

These last two sports are the first time Indonesia has hosted its representatives at the Olympics.

The Paris Olympics will take place from 26 July to 11 August 2024. It's known that several qualifications are being held in Indonesia, namely the Asian Shooting Championships Rifle & Pistols on 5-18 January and the Indonesia Masters (23-28 January). which will be one of the points-collecting tournaments. racing to Paris for badminton.

In addition, Oktohari also highlighted the important role of parents in the future development of Indonesian sports. Because producing outstanding athletes starts from the family.

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Apart from that, Oktohari said communication and language skills are also important, “Discipline, training, and hard work are certain because creating a winning mentality cannot be instant," 

"Apart from that, language skills are also an important requirement for an athlete because they will be taking part in tournaments abroad and communicating in a foreign language," Oktohari added. 

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Oktohari further said that NOC Indonesia is committed to pursuing higher achievements as part of the process of elevating Indonesian sports on the international stage.

"We are not just participants, but fighters who protect the honor of the Red and White Flag," Oktohari stated. 

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