President Joe Biden Ever Predicted Indonesia to Move Its Capital City

Presiden RI Jokowi dan Presiden Amerika Serikat Joe Biden
Sumber :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden

United States – The relocation of the Indonesian capital city was predicted by the United States President Joe Biden.

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On July 27, 2021, President Biden when giving a speech at the US National Counter-Terrorism Center. He stated that there was an urgency to move the country's capital from Jakarta.

The President said that Jakarta would sink in the next 10 years. He expressed this when talking about climate change in his welcoming speech at the office of the US Director of National Intelligence.

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“The Department of Defense said that the biggest threat facing America: is climate change. In fact, if sea levels rise another two and a half feet, millions of people will migrate and fight for fertile land," President Biden said as quoted by a White House official website on Wednesday.

Pembangunan IKN Nusantara

Photo :
  • Dok. PUPR
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“People who are Muslims are killing each other in their thousands for the sake of fertile land, a piece of fertile land, in North Central Africa,” he added. 

The President also mentioned: "But what will happen in Indonesia, if the predictions were correct, in the next 10 years we might have to move the capital because it will be submerged (sink)?" 

According to President Biden, climate change is the biggest threat currently affecting the world. Climate change causes sea levels to rise and causes thousands of people to lose their homes, livelihoods, and other life activities.

As known, the government is currently pushing to move the Indonesian capital city (IKN) from Jakarta on Java Island to the Kalimantan Island.

Now, the government is also building several infrastructures, such as the presidential palace called the Garuda Palace, ministry and state institution buildings, transportation, and other supporting infrastructure.

The government will also build ministry houses and residences for ASN which will be transferred to IKN.

Last September, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) claimed that progress in building the presidential office at IKN Nusantara had reached 38 percent.

Presiden AS Joe Biden berpidato sangat emosional di momen perpisahan.

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Pemerintahan Joe Biden terus mendorong paket penjualan senjata senilai US$680 juta (Rp 10,7 triliun) ke Israel.

28 November 2024