Minister Qoumas Visits Jeddah to Discuss 2024 Hajj Preparation

Bertemu di Jeddah, Menag Yaqut dan Menhaj Taufiq Bahas Persiapan Haji 1445 H
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  • Kementerian Agama RI

Jeddah – The Indonesian Religion Minister, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas met Minister of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia, Taufiq F Al Rabiah in Jeddah to discuss preparations for Hajj on Sunday. 

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"I would like to express my gratitude for the quota for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims which was given at 221,000 pilgrims, and the additional quota for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims of 20,000 pilgrims, bringing the total quota for Indonesian Hajj pilgrims to 241,000 pilgrims," said Religion Minister or usually called Gus Men in Jeddah, on Monday. 

Gus Men also expressed his gratitude for the increase in the quota allocation for Hajj officers in 2024, from previously only 2,100 people to 4,421 people.

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Ilustrasi Jemaah Haji

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However, this is still not commensurate with the number of congregations that must be served, Gus Men added. 

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"I also propose increasing the quota for Hajj officers to further maximize services. "Hopefully this can also be approved by the Minister of Hajj of Saudi Arabia," the Minister said. 

Then, the two ministers discussed the certainty of plans to place Indonesian Hajj pilgrims in Masyair.

According to Gus Men, certainty about the placement plan is important to anticipate overcrowding in Masyair considering that there are additional quotas throughout the world, including Indonesia which received an additional 20,000.

"This placement plan is important to ensure that pilgrims carrying out the Hajj pilgrimage in 2024 can be well served," Minister Qoumas said. 

"With the additional quota, I hope that services to Hajj pilgrims can be maximized, especially during the peak period of Hajj. Likewise, with the simulation of additional quota distribution, we must be able to ensure that there is a simulation of services and places in Masyair," the Minister continued. 

The Religion Minister also asked for policy support from the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah so that Maktabs only place Hajj pilgrims in Arafah and Mina tents according to the placement plan. 

So, the incident of the congregation occupying tents outside the agreed plan will not happen again.

"The Ministry of Religion also proposes that the formula for special Hajj services by a consortium of special Hajj travel companies and their associations can be reduced, from a minimum of 2,000 pilgrims to 1,000 pilgrims," Minister Qoumas explained. 

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