Copper Smelter Development in Gresik to Invite More Investors

Presiden Jokowi resmikan ekspansi smelter PT Smelting di Gresik
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East Java – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed that the development of smelter copper in Gresik, East Java will give rise to a new indutry, one is copper foil. In the future, this industry will invite more investors to invest. 

Respons Jokowi soal Putusan MK Hapus Presidential Threshold

"The construction of this smelter has production capacity that would increase to 3 million tons per year," the Head of State said on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, on Thursday. 

The value is all in Indonesia because it will appear new industry such as those already in the process of construction for copper foil, the President added. 

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Presiden Jokowi resmikan ekspansi smelter PT Smelting di Gresik

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President Jokowi also remarked: "Later, many investors will head to our country to build a copper derivative industry," 

Bela Jokowi, PSI Singgung Barisan Sakit Hati di Balik Publikasi Riset OCCRP

The government will not only downstream minerals such as copper, nickel, bauxite and tin. But it will also downstream various sectors such as plantations, fisheries, and agriculture. 

"Everything must be downstreamed so that the added value is in our country, the jobs are in our country," President Jokowi explained. 

In addition, the Head of State reminded not to export raw material commodities. Because, with downstreaming, the added value of commodities will be higher.

Presiden RI ke-7 Joko Widodo (Jokowi) di kawasan Jakarta Pusat, Senin, 18 November 2024

OCCRP Akui Tak Punya Bukti, Muruah Jokowi Dinilai Tetap Terjaga di Mata Dunia

Dalam situs resminya, OCCRP mengakui tidak punya bukti Jokowi terlibat dalam korupsi untuk keuntungan finansial pribadi selama jadi Presiden.

3 Januari 2025