Myanmar Replaces Afghanistan as World's Top Opium Producer

Ilustrasi ladang opium.
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Myanmar – Myanmar is replacing Afghanistan as the world's biggest producer of opium, the United Nations (UN) revealed. 

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Even, its opium production this year is estimated to rise by 36% to 1,080 tonnes, far ahead of the 330 tonnes Afghanistan reportedly produced. 

Poppy cultivation in Afghanistan dropped by 95?ter a drug ban by the ruling Taliban last year. Meanwhile, cultivation has expanded in Myanmar, where a brutal civil war, has made it a lucrative source of income.

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"The economic, security and governance disruptions that followed the military takeover of February 2021 continue to drive farmers in remote areas towards opium to make a living," said Jeremy Douglas, regional representative of the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which authored the report.

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The average price of fresh and dried opium at harvest time has increased to US$ 317 and US$ 356 per kilogram (IDR 4.9 million - IDR 5.5 million). 

By 2023, the document adds, the poppy cultivation area in Myanmar (also known as Burma) is expected to reach 47,000 hectares – an 18 percent increase compared to last year. 

The region where the borders of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos meet – the so-called Golden Triangle - has historically been a major source of opium and heroin production. Myanmar and Afghanistan are the source of most of the heroin sold worldwide.

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22 Januari 2025