Bluebird Taxi Company Uses LMPV Segment Car as New Transmover

Toyota Avanza Transmover baru jadi armada taksi Bluebird
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Arianti Widya

Jakarta – With the high mobility of the community, transportation is one of the significant needs. One of the mobility service providers in Indonesia, Bluebird Taxi continues to be committed to providing the best service standards for customers.  

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Blue Bird officially launched the latest taxi fleet, the All-New Toyota Avanza Transmover which is considered capable of realizing this commitment. 

Adrianto Djokosoetono, President Director of Blue Bird, said that every five years the company rejuvenates its fleet, including with the presence of this LMPV (low MPV) segment car.  

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Toyota Avanza Transmover baru jadi armada taksi Bluebird

Photo :
  • VIVA/Arianti Widya

"Every five years, we rejuvenate our vehicles because we want to improve mobility with a fleet that is always updated. With one goal, namely the Indonesian Comfort Standard (SNI) which we always prioritize for consumers," he explained, in Mampang Parapatan, South Jakarta, on Monday. 

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This latest fleet is equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT), which will make it easier for drivers, passengers or companies to provide control over vehicles.  

"In this latest fleet, we also update the Internet of Things that we attach to vehicles to make it easier for drivers, passengers, or companies to control vehicles," Djokosoetono informed. 

Furthermore, Djokosoetono revealed the reason for choosing the LMPV to be Bluebird's latest vehicle was because it saw customer needs. 

"Now there are many requests from customers who want a vehicle that can fit a lot and they also want to invite families to travel together," he remarked. 

Not only that, the All-New Avanza Transmover, which is the latest fleet of Bluebird taxis purchased from Auto2000, still uses the latest Avanza base, with a 1,300 cc engine with manual transmission. 

This car is claimed to have a more spacious cabin and a more modern design. Jap Ernando Demily as Chief Executive Officer of Auto2000 said, Bluebird has placed an order for 2,500 units for this year, but currently, the fulfillment is only 750 units.  

"The cooperation between Bluebird and Auto2000 has been going on for a long time. As Bluebird's partner in purchasing taxi fleets, we are always ready to support Bluebird in providing reliable services to customers," Demily explained. 

"Through this new fleet, we believe Bluebird will increasingly become a leading company in the transportation sector," he added.  

As information, Bluebird's new taxi operations will begin in Cilegon City, Banten Bandung City, Jabodetabek, and other cities in Indonesia.

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