Mitsubishi XForce Offers Advanced Feature: Can Kill Virus, Bacteria

Test drive Mitsubishi Xforce.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Arianti Widya

Semarang – The car buyer is not only concerned about the design, but also the advanced features that can make the driver comfortable.

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This is certainly offered by Mitsubishi XForce, which has a variety of advanced features. Such as the germ-free feature that kills bacteria.

Ngabehi Mazuq, Product Planning Department of Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (MMKSI) said that this compact SUV has Nanoe X technology in the Dual Zone AC system that can purify the air in the cabin.

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Fitur Nanoe X di Mitsubishi Xforce

Photo :
  • VIVA/Arianti Widya

Fitur Nanoe X di Mitsubishi Xforce

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"This feature can eliminate bacteria and viruses by regenerating or generating electrical ions to make the bacteria die," Mazuq said on the sidelines of the Mitsubishi test drive event, in Semarang. 

Then, this feature can eliminate unpleasant odors caused when opening the car glass. "This feature can also eliminate odors, for example when we open the glass. Pollution can also enter, well Nanoe X can reduce pollution or odors in the cabin,"

Not only that, the function of the Nanoe X feature can maintain air humidity in the cabin.

"This is related to beautification or beauty. This feature can maintain skin moisture to stay healthy. We are working with Panasonic to develop this Nanoe X feature," he remarked.

Test drive Mitsubishi Xforce

Photo :
  • Dok: MMKSI

Test drive Mitsubishi Xforce

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As information, the Mitsubishi XForce is a five-passenger car specially designed for the ASEAN region. With a stylish, tough, and futuristic style.

With compact body dimensions, the car offers excellent handling, comfort, and utility features such as a spacious interior and diverse storage space.

The vehicle will be produced at MMKSI's facility in Bekasi, West Java, and will be marketed in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.

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