Hundreds of Visually Impaired People Got Surprised on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Ilustrasi penyandang disabilitas
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  • Istimewa

Jakarta, 3 Desember 2023 – SiCepat Ekspres Celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities with Mobility Aids and Groceries

Bobby Nasution Ungkap Program Prioritas 100 Hari Kerja Jadi Gubernur Sumut

In commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which falls on December 3rd each year, SiCepat Ekspres participated by distributing mobility aids to 150 visually impaired people and 50 packages of groceries to the Persatuan Masseur Alumni Sasana Netra Penganthi Temanggung (PERMASTE) on Wednesday, November 29, 2023.

The aid was handed over directly by the SiCepat Ekspres CSR team to Sukino, the Chairman of PERMASTE, at the PERMASTE Secretariat in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

Dorong Program Makan Bergizi Gratis Prabowo, ISSF Siap Gerakkan Resources 400 Lebih Anggotanya

Wiwin Dewi Herawati, Chief Marketing & Corporate Communication Officer of SiCepat Ekspres, stated that the aid was given as a sign of the company's concern and support for people with disabilities, particularly in the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

"As a manifestation of our concern and support for people with disabilities, we are donating these packages of groceries and mobility aids to help meet the needs of visually impaired people who are members of the PERMASTE organization. We hope that this aid will encourage the organization's members to continue to be active and productive despite their limitations," explained Wiwin.

Genjot Swasembada Pangan, Petrokimia Gresik Gandeng Sederet Perusahaan Gula Nasional

The mobility aids distributed were wheelchairs, canes, and walkers, while the grocery packages contained rice, cooking oil, sugar, eggs, and instant noodles. It is hoped that this aid will help visually impaired people to be active and productive on their own.

SiCepat Ekspres' commitment to supporting people with disabilities has been demonstrated through previous programs, such as the UMKM Sanubari (Ready to Rise for the Nation) program and the SiCepat Family Care program.

The company hopes that the their commitment to supporting and caring for people with disabilities, both within and outside the company, will continue through other CSR programs that provide more inspiration and reach a wider range of beneficiaries.

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26 Februari 2025