A Content Creator Suffers from 37 Allergies, How Does She Live?

Wanita 37 Alergi
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Jakarta – A content creator from Seoul suffers from 37 significant allergies. She shared her experience in TikTok and Instagram videos that she has "37 new ways to die".

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"Nuts and seafood are among the allergy-triggering items. Ijust say 37 allergies because it's my favorite number but the reality is that it's a lot higher," Fan said in a video. 

The lifestyle vlogger retested her allergies with a patch test at a doctor’s office last month, discovering several new allergens.

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Ilustrasi alergi

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"Some fruits I didn't think I was allergic to showed reactions on the backtest like grapefruit. More severe allergies caused a bigger dot reaction than the smaller onee – but they were still there," Fan explained. 

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Fan’s video of her allergy test quickly amassed 4.6 million views on TikTok and 1.2 million likes on Instagram.

“I joked that I had new ways to die on my backtest video to make light of my condition,” she said, revealing that she’s not actually stressed about her allergies.

Ilustrasi alergi

Photo :
  • Pixabay/PublicDomainPictures

Living most of her life with these allergies, Fan can typically tell when she’s having a bad reaction.

"I can feel my flare-ups coming on before I start to turn red. They usually start within 10 minutes of eating something I'm allergic to, and I'll start scratching or find myself getting very hot," Fan stated. 

he worst part for Fan isn’t avoiding foods, it’s the eczema that accompanies her allergies.

“The hardest part about it all is how it affects my eczema rather than my diet – people see me and they are like, ‘What’s happened to your face? Why are you so red?'” Fan said. 

“It’s flared up pretty badly this year, and it’s really affected my confidence,” she added.

She shared that strangest online have left some hurtful messages. 

It's only been online where people have had a bad reaction to my allergies - I've been told I shouldn't reproduce even though my allergies aren't genetic; my parents don't have them," Fan further stated. 

She admitted that the negative comments initially caused her to stop filming her face – until her friends helped her overcome the shame.

“For a long time, I never spoke about my skin condition or showed people because I thought, ‘Nobody wants to see - everyone wants to see pretty skin,’ but then it came up with friends, and they were so interested,” Fan recalled.

“I thought about how many people there are in the world and that there had to be other people out there like me, so I decided to share my story to make them feel less alone. I’ve also learned a lot about managing my conditions, and it’s been so nice to share my tips online and get messages from people who they’ve helped,"

For example, she shared that she learned that staying hydrated helps her manage her eczema beyond just avoiding foods she’s allergic to.

She also eschews using products with active ingredients, excluding retinol, which promotes healthy, younger-looking skin.

With allergies, the body creates antibodies in response to a particular allergen it has identified as harmful.

The severity of an allergic reaction can range from minor irritation to anaphylaxis, which can be deadly.

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