VKTR, PENS Develop 14 Innovations Related to Electric Vehicle

Kerja Sama VKTR dan PENS.
Sumber :
  • Nur Faishal/ VIVA.

Jakarta – VKTR Mobility Technology together with Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS) successfully develop14 research results and innovations related to the development of electric vehicle.

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These innovations will continue to be developed to realize Indonesia's independence in the field of electric vehicle. 

The 14 research and innovation results were symbolically handed over by the Head of the PENS Transportation Electrification Research and Innovation Center, Prof.Dadet Pramadihanto, to VKTR Deputy Director for Cooperation Amang Sudarsono and PENS Director Aliridho Barakbah at the PENS campus, Surabaya, East Java, on Wednesday.

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Kerja Sama VKTR dan PENS.

Photo :
  • Nur Faishal/ VIVA.

Sudarsono stated that the innovations were the results of two years of research.

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"So, we have succeeded, the fruit of our two-year struggle to research there are 14 patents, all of which are related to electric vehicles, both soft ware and hard ware," Sudarsono explained.

"This is the beginning of a process towards the independence of Indonesian electric vehicle and it takes a long time," he added.

Currently, the issue regarding electric vehicle in Indonesia is not about the software, but the manufacturing readiness.

He gave the example of an electric motorcycle exhibited at the VKTR and PENS events.

"The motorcycle was tested and used in the field with very good results, the same volume, relatively the same components, with different designs, different engineering, with 20-30 percent higher power, engineered, successful," Sudarsono informed.

But the manufacturing readiness to support that, who in Indonesia has produced their own motorcycles on a large scale that can do the job, it doesn't exist yet, he continued.

Ilustrasi sepeda motor yang dikonversi jadi kendaraan listrik

Photo :
  • Viva.co.id/ Pius Mali

Perhaps what is faster at the moment is the software. But at the very least, he has innovation savings that can be used to develop environmentally friendly transportation tools in accordance with the great mission of the Indonesian nation that can be enjoyed and proud of in the future.

Meanwhile, PENS Director Aliridho Barakbah said the research effort that produced 14 innovations was part of the partnership between campus and industry.

PENS as a vocational education institution always directs competence and expertise to solve problems in society around technology.

"One form of cooperation with VKTR is with the transportation electrification research center at PENS. We join hands, partnering to realize many things. The process from 2021 that we see now has 14 patent works that are ready to enter the next stage," said Barakbah.

Furthermore, Professor Pramadihanto said that applying this newly discovered technology requires a long process.

In the research stage, many obstacles were found ranging from limited time, financing to the need for human resources.

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