Indonesian Non-muslims in Lombok Show Solidarity for Palestinians

Aksi NTB for Palestina di Mataram
Sumber :
  • Satria Zulfikar

Lombok – Tens of thousands of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara residents – both Muslims and Non Muslims – held another solidarity rally to support Palestinians. The rally was held at the Islamic Center West Nusa Tenggara, Mataram City, on Sunday. 

Palestina Rilis Nama 110 Orang yang Akan Dibebaskan Israel, Ada 30 Anak di Bawah Umur

The rally titled "West Nusa Tenggara for Palestine" held joint prayers for Palestine, humanitarian speeches, Sholawat, Tablig Akbar, joint prayers, and donations for Palestine. 

Aksi NTB for Palestina di Mataram

Photo :
  • Satria Zulfikar
Dibantu Intelijen Turki, Bangkok Konfirmasi Pembebasan 5 Sandera Warga Thailand di Gaza

Chairman of the West Nusa Tenggara Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) Buya TGH. Subki Al Sasaki said that this event was part of the humanitarian action for Palestine attended by Hindus, Buddhists, Confucianists, Protestants and Catholics.

"This is an event that gathers all elements of society, both Muslims and non-Muslims, so here are religious leaders including non-Muslims, both from Hindus, Buddhists, Confucianists, Protestants, and Catholics, also present from the church directly here. I sit with the Secretary of the Buddhist Association," he explained. 

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He said that this action is a forum for people to express their emotions over the events that are happening in Palestine, which is currently being attacked by the Israeli military. The number of casualties, especially children and women, has made Muslims angry.

"This is a vent for the people's emotions. So, people who are emotional should not be closed off so that unwanted things happen. We create a vent where feelings towards our brothers and sisters in faith or in the name of humanity can be opened in this place," he stated. 

Moreover, the initiator of West Nusa Tenggara  Cares for Palestine, M. Arief Sanjani Natsir informed that the total funds collected in this solidarity action more than IDR 715.000.000,- 

Konflik Israel-Palestina

Photo :
  • (AP Photo/Yousef Masoud)

"The total donations collected until 12 p.m. local time amounted to IDR 715,346,141," he informed. 

Natsir said that this humanitarian action prioritized gentleness and abandoned all forms of political attributes.

"What we emphasize is peace, gentleness and so on. Our prayers are the main ones. We collaborate with all parties to temporarily abandon their political attributes, but focus more on the humanitarian issues that we voice together," he stated. 

The donations collected will later be handed over through Baznas West Nusa Tenggara to be distributed to Palestine.

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