Indonesia, Australia Cooperate to Develop Electric Vehicle Industry

RI dan Australia kerja sama kembangkan kendaraan listrik.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Mohammad Yudha Prasetya

Jakarta – Indonesia and Australia have agreed to cooperate on battery manufacturing, critical mineral processing, and other aspects of the electric vehicle ecosystem. 

Respons Erick Thohir soal Wacana BBM Gratis sebagai Kompensasi Kasus Pertamina

Ad Interim Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Erick Thohir signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Australian Minister for Industry and Science Edham Nurredin Ed Husic. 

"This cooperation is a testament to the international community's confidence in the development potential of the electric vehicle industry in Indonesia," Minister Thohir said in a statement. 

Harapan Besar Erick Thohir pada Jordi Cruyff

Ilustrasi kendaraan listrik.

Photo :
  • carnewschina

According to the Minister, the global economy is currently shifting a lot to the Asian region. So with the current uncertain global situation, there is indeed a shift to Asia," the Minister remarked. 

Erick Thohir: Tinggal Satu Tahap Lagi Emil Audero Cs Bisa Bela Timnas Indonesia

With the close relationship that has been established so far between Indonesia and Australia, Minister Thohir said that it is an impetus for the two countries to strengthen cooperation in enhancing the development of the electric vehicle industry. 

"Incidentally, both countries have natural resources that can be synergized,"

This collaboration is also in line with the government's commitment to aggressively encourage the acceleration of electric vehicles in the context of energy transition. 

With Indonesia's population currently reaching 280 million and still growing, electric vehicles, according to him, can be a solution to several environmental problems and maintain national energy security. 

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Ad Interim sekaligus Menteri BUMN, Erick Thohir.

Photo :
  • VIVA/Mohammad Yudha Prasetya

"The government has taken the position that we must continue to encourage the development of EVs. So not only is Indonesia a country that produces EVs, but we also have a large market," Thohir remarked. 

Minister Thohir feels optimistic that the development of the electric vehicle industry will have a big impact on Indonesia. One of them is economic growth, which will also encourage the opening of jobs for the community. 

"With this MoU, I promise that maybe in the next month, we can have a roadmap that we can implement between the two countries. So, this MoU is not just ceremonial, but something concrete for the advancement of friendship between the two countries," the Minister concluded. 

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