Know More Igor Ashurbeyli, President of First Nation State in Space

Igor Ashurbeyli
Sumber :
  • IG: _plus_academy

Jakarta – Proposals for the first nation state in space have been unveiled by a team of scientists and legal experts, who say the move will foster peace, open up access to space technologies and offer protection for citizens of planet Earth.

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Named “Asgardia” after one of the mythical worlds inhabited by the Norse gods, the team say the “new nation” will eventually become a member of the United Nations, with its own flag and anthem devised by members of the public through a series of competitions.

Pelantikan Igor Ashurbeyli sebagai Presiden Asgardia.

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Asgardia was declared by Igor Ashurbeyli on June 25, 2018. He has the full name Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli, he was born on September 9, 1963.

Ashurbeyli is a scientist of Azerbaijani and Russian descent, an entrepreneur, and also the president of the microstate Asgardia.

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Igor Ashurbeyli was the CEO of Almaz Scientific Production Association (SPA) from 2000 to 2011. He's also the founder and chairman of the Board of Socium Holding and holds a Doctor of Science degree in engineering with a specialization in Computer Science.

In 1988, under the new economic policy of the Soviet Union, he founded Socium, a small software company, and served as its first General Manager.

The company later became Socium Holding, a holding company with more than 10,000 employees in more than 30 companies, where Igor Ashurbeyli serves as chairman of the board of directors.

On October 12, Igor Ashurbeyli plans to create a new country in space called Asgardia. The goal of creating the first country in space is to make it easier for anyone who wants to go into space.

Meanwhile, On June 25, 2018, in Vienna, Austria at the Hofburg Palace, Igor Ashurbeyli was sworn in as the Head of State of Asgardia.

Ilustrasi negara Asgardia di antariksa

Photo :
  • Asgardia/James Vaughan

The Cygnus spacecraft carrying Asgardia and two other satellites on November 12, 2017. The Asgardia Space Kingdom claims that it is now the first country to have its entire territory in space.

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