President Jokowi Delivers Food Assistance to Papua's Biak Numfor

President Jokowi Delivers Food Assistance to Papua's Biak Numfor
Sumber :

Papua – Indonesian government continues to provide food assistance to all regions in Indonesia gradually. 

Recently, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has delivered assistance from the government rice severe (CBP) to several beneficiary families (KPM) at Bulog Mandala Warehouse Complex, Biax Numfor District, Papua Province. 

In the occasion, President Widodo stated that similar assistance would continue to be distributed by the government until March 2024, with beneficiary families receiving 10 kilograms of rice every month. 

"You will receive it again next month, and (the distribution of the assistance will) continue until March 2024," he told the beneficiaries on Wednesday. 

Presiden Joko Widodo.

Photo :
  • M Yudha P /

The President said that those who have not been listed as beneficiaries for the additional quota can register through their village or local sub-district.

"Beneficiaries of this aid mostly come from the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT). Those who have not been listed can register themselves for the additional quota," President Jokowi informed. 

Moreover, the Head of State also asked questions to some people and gifted them bicycles.

"Raise your hand if you know the new capital city of Indonesia,"

One of the attendees, Yan Drombewas, raised his hand and got the opportunity to answer the President.

Mendagri Tito Pastikan PSU di Papua Pakai APBD, bukan APBN

"The new capital city (IKN) Nusantara," Drombewas answered and got a bicycle from the President. 

Presiden Joko Widodo berpidato dalam acara penyaluran bantuan sosial Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dan Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) tahun 2019 di Cibinong, Bogor. (Foto ilustrasi)

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Akbar Nugroho Gumay
PSBS Biak Disuntik Dana Rp8 Miliar dari Freeport Indonesia agar Lebih Berprestasi di Liga 1

As information, during his working visit to Papua province, President Widodo was accompanied by State Secretary Minister Pratikno; Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karvanian; Minister of Investment/head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia. 

Also, there are State Logistics Agency (Bulog) Chief Budi Waseso; special staff to the President, Billy Mambrasar; and the head of Biak Numfor district, Henry Ario Naap.

Massa Pendukung Bupati-Wakil Bupati di Puncak Jaya Saling Serang, 1 orang Tewas

His visit to Papua Province was aimed at inspecting the rice stock in the region, opening the 2023 Sail Teluk Cenderawasih (STC), and inaugurating a modern fishing village in Samber Village, Yendidori Sub-district.

Wakil Menteri Dalam Negeri (Wamendagri), Ribka Haluk

Hadiri RDP dengan Komisi II DPR RI, Wamendagri Ribka Beberkan Perkembangan 4 DOB Papua

Wakil Menteri Dalam Negeri (Wamendagri) Ribka Haluk menghadiri Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) dengan Komisi II DPR RI, Kamis (13/3/2025).

14 Maret 2025