5 Driving Tips to Avoid Boredom While Stuck in Traffic Jams

Ilustrasi kemacetan.
Sumber :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Dhemas Reviyanto

Jakarta – Traffic jams in Indonesia spesifically in Jakarta is legendary, often turning busy streets into a maze of congestion. 

Dari Perjalanan hingga Akomodasi, Cara Memilih Layanan Haji dan Umroh yang Tepat

The unceasing flow of vehicles, including cars, motorbikes and buses, can keep the streets jammed for hours, especially during rush hour.

Traffic jam also makes time travel longer, especially for car drivers who have to operate the vehicle.

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Therefore, it's important to know tips for overcoming boredom when driving a car in traffic. Here are some steps you can try. 

Ilustrasi kemacetan.

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Dhemas Reviyanto
Tiga Pria Berlagak Bang Jago Setop Travel di Cengkareng, Palak Sopir Rp500 Ribu 

1. Listen to music

Listening to music is one of the most effective ways to relieve boredom. Choose music that you like, and play it at a volume that is sufficient for you to enjoy it.

2. Stretch Body

Stretching can help you relieve stiffness and pain from sitting for too long. You can do simple stretches, such as moving your neck, arms and legs.

3. Have some snacks

Food heals everything’ is not exaggerating at all. When you are bored or frustrated from traffic jams, try eating something you like, especially sweet one.

It can help lift your mood and make you feel relaxed. However, if possible, it would be better  to choose snacks that are not too high in sugar since they may not be good for your health if you eat them too often. Try to find ready-to-eat fruits or other healthy snacks instead.

Ilustrasi-Kemacetan lalu lintas

Photo :
  • ANTARA Foto/Yulius Satria Wijaya

4. Stop for a moment

If the traffic jam is too bad, you can stop for a while in a safe place. You can use the time to rest, eat, or drink.

Make sure you stay focused on road conditions while driving, even when you are doing other activities to keep boredom at bay. You should also stay alert for potential hazards, such as accidents or crimes.

5. Call Someone

Traffic jams can also be a moment to connect friendship. You can contact your loved ones, relatives, or maybe friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time.

To be safer, use hands-free mode so it doesn’t disturb your concentration. But one thing to remember is never to send text messages while driving. This is very dangerous because it can break the focus.

And when the traffic light turns back to green, you better turn off your phone right away. Return to focus on the road to avoid the danger of an accident.

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