Indonesian Becomes Official Language of UNESCO General Conference

UNESCO menetapkan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa resmi di pertemuan UNESCO
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Paris – Indonesian has been successfully designated as the official language of the UNESCO General Conference. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appreciated this achievement and he feels proud. 

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"This designation is a matter of pride for the entire Indonesian nation," the Head of State wrote through X social media account, @Jokowi as quoted in Jakarta, on Tuesday.

The United Nations special body in charge of education, science, and culture established the Indonesian Language through a resolution entitled "Recognition of Bahasa Inodnesia as an Official Language of the General Conference of UNESCO,"  

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"Indonesian language becomes the 10th language to be recognized as an official languages of the UN (English, Arabic, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Russian) as well as Hindi, Italian, and Portugese," President Widodo informed. 

The Head of State remarked: "With this provision, Indonesian language can be used as the language of the assembly and UNESCO General Assembly documents can also be translated into Indonesian," 

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Presiden Joko Widodo.

Photo :
  • M Yudha P /

As information, this decision was marked by the adoption of Resolution 42 C/28 by consensus at the Plenary session of the 42nd UNESCO General Conference on 20 November 2023 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.

Ambassador Mohamad Oemar, the Indonesian Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, opened the presentation of Indonesia's proposal by saying that Indonesian has been a uniting force for the nation since pre-independence times, especially through the Youth Pledge in 1928. With its role as a link between various ethnicities in Indonesia. 

"Indonesian, with more than 275 million speakers, has also traveled the world, with the inclusion of Indonesian language curricula in 52 countries around the world with at least 150,000 foreign speakers currently,"

Indonesia's active leadership at the global level began at the Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung in 1955, which became the seed for the formation of the Group of Non-Aligned Countries.

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Photo :
  • Kemendikbudristek

"Indonesia has a strong commitment to continue its leadership and positive contribution to the international world, by collaborating with other countries in overcoming global challenges, through Indonesia's chairmanship role in the G20 forum in 2022 and ASEAN in 2023," Ambassador Oemar said. 

Furthermore, Ambassador Oemar emphasized that increasing awareness of the Indonesian language is part of Indonesia's global efforts to develop connectivity between nations, strengthen cooperation with UNESCO, and part of Indonesia's commitment to cultural development at the international level.

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