Government Considers to Build Sugar Industry in Papua

Peta Papua.
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Papua – Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman stated that now the Indonesian government is planning to build a sugar industry of one to two million hectares in Papua region to increase the national sugar production rate. 

Kejar Target Swasembada Pangan, Pemerintah Genjot Keterhubungan Infrastruktur

"(The government is planning) to develop the zone (of sugar industry) in Papua, measuring one to two million hectares. Currently, 200,000 hectares of land is planned to be used for sugar industry," Sulaiman said at the Building of the Agriculture Ministry, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman

Photo :
  • VIVA/Anisa Aulia
Wamendagri Ribka Haluk Lantik 42 Anggota Pansel DPRP di 6 Provinsi Wilayah Papua, Beri Pesan Ini

Minister Sulaiman revealed that the government chose Papua as the development site of the sugar industry zone, as the region has climatic conditions that are conducive for sugarcane cultivation and is home to an adequate area of land for the purpose. 

"The investment worth IDR 2.5-3 trillion is required for building a single sugar factory that has a producing capacity of eight to 12 thousand tons of cane per day (TCD)," the Minister informed. 

Anggota Polri Dibacok OTK di Puncak Jaya Papua, Alami Luka Berat di Kepala

Menteri Pertanian (Mentan), Andi Amran Sulaiman

Photo :
  • Kementan

He did not divulge the date of the commencement of the zone's development. He did, however, said that several business actors had expressed their keenness to invest in the project.

"We will invite and verify private actors that show interest. If they have the capital, they can participate. It is that simple,"

Minister Sulaiman remarked that Indonesia had approached Brazil to cooperate in the provision of related technology and experts.

"Earlier, we sought Brazil's technological support for the project. They accepted the request and will send experts to help our sugar factories," the Minister stated.

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