Health Minister Reveals Some Ways to Add Specialist Doctors

Menteri Kesehatan Budi Gunadi Sadikin, The Interview
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – The Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has called for the production of specialist doctors to be added to ensure the distribution of health workers throughout Indonesia runs well.

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The minister said the number of doctors produced each year in Indonesia is not proportional to the population. 

"The same thing also happens in the national capital, where the fulfillment of facilities can be done quickly but the availability of specialist doctors is still an obstacle," said Minister Sadikin, in a written statement on Monday.

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Menteri kesehatan RI Budi Gunadi Sadikin di Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta

Photo :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden

The same thing was also found when the Minister of Health visited the Sepaku Regional General Hospital in IKN Nusantara some time ago. The Minister of Health found that there were no anesthesiologists, surgeons, and orthopedic specialists in the hospital.

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Minister Sadikin believes that these specializations are urgently needed due to the high number of work accidents. As a result, patients must be referred to Balikpapan at a distance of three to four hours.

"Therefore, we are making a breakthrough with Hospital Based, from 21 existing specialist programs, we want to encourage it," Minister Sadikin remarked. 

"If possible, in the not too distant future there will be 300 type A and B hospitals that can produce specialists."
Furthermore, Minister Sadikin also believes that this program will make it easier to solve the problem of specialist doctor distribution.

"Indonesia should be able to produce more than 30,000 doctors every year," he emphasized. 

Ilustrasi dokter/rumah sakit.

Photo :
  • Freepik

This program is also said to be able to overcome distribution problems because students are prioritized to become employees at the hospital concerned so that their placement is by the needs. The education costs incurred will also be cheaper.
In addition, his party will also imitate what the Indian Government has done by sending its doctors to study abroad.
Meanwhile, to maintain the quality of doctors, the Minister of Health asked to increase competition between Indonesian doctors and foreign doctors, by sending Indonesian doctors to work in hospitals abroad or vice versa. 

This is believed to increase the spirit of competition and competence of doctors.

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