Evacuation of Indonesian Citizens in Gaza Will Be Done Gradually

VIVA Militer: Serangan militer Israel di Jalur Gaza, Palestina
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  • standard.co.uk

Jakarta – Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi revealed that the evacuation process of Indonesian citizens from the Gaza Strip, Palestine will be carried out in gradually and will begin on November 1, 2023. 

Kepala WHO Belum Dapat Kabar soal Kondisi Direktur RS di Gaza yang Ditawan Israel

"So far we still get information that the condition of our Indonesian citizens is good. We continue to contact them, and the contact sometimes it is connected, sometimes it is not because of the situation," Minister Marsudi said in a statement on Wednesday. 

Minister emphasized that there is no guarantee that the evacuation can proceed as expected, because the situation in Gaza is unpredictable. 

Demonstrasi Pro-Palestina di Kanada Tuntut Israel Bebaskan Direktur RS Gaza yang Ditawan

Menlu RI, Retno Marsudi

Photo :
  • ANTARA/Yashinta Difa

"The evacuation could be done today. I want to underline the word possibility. Because we can never predict the situation," she said. 

Lagi, Bayi Berusia 35 Hari Meninggal akibat Kedinginan di Gaza

Minister Marsudi informed that she had sent a team from Cairo to Rafah to evacuate Indonesian citizens in the Gaza region.

"To prepare for a possible evacuation, we have moved our team from Cairo to Rafah. Because, once again, the only exit is Rafah."

For this reason, her office has communicated several times with all parties who have access in Gaza and received information on the possibility that the evacuation of Indonesian citizens can be carried out immediately through Rafah. 

Konflik Israel-Palestina

Photo :
  • (AP Photo/Yousef Masoud)

"It is possible, once again it is possible, that it will be done soon. Then we get more detailed information that the movement will most likely not be able to be done at once, but gradually and by prioritizing safety," the Foreign Minister explained. 

Minister Marsudi ensured that the evacuation of seven out of 10 Indonesians in Gaza will be carried out as long as there is a guarantee of security.

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Pengunjuk rasa berkumpul di Parlemen Eropa di Brussels menuntut pembebasan dokter terkemuka Palestina sekaligus aktivis HAM Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya yang ditahan Israel.

7 Januari 2025