Israeli Airstrikes Hits Indonesian Hospital in Gaza

Rumah Sakit Indonesia di Gaza Utara
Sumber :
  • Mer-C

Gaza – According to the local officials, the Israeli army on Monday targeted the immediate surroundings of the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip. 

AS Tunggu Rencana Negara Arab untuk Gaza, Tapi Rencana Trump Tetap Jadi Pilihan Utama

The attack caused serious damage to the hospital, said Gaza Health Ministry Spokesman, Ashraf Al-Qudra. 

"The Israeli attack endangered the lives of hundreds of injured people, patients, medical personnel, journalists and thousands of displaced people," he continued. 

Israel Ancam Hamas: Jika Tidak Bebaskan Sandera, Tank dan Buldoser Siap Masuk Gaza Lagi

Rumah Sakit Indonesia di Gaza.

Photo :
  • Linda Hasibuan

Ashraf Al-Qudra also stated: "Israeli airstrikes on Gaza since October 7 have repeatedly targeted hospitals, residences, and houses of worship, such as mosques and churches under the Geneva Conventions, attacks on hospitals are strictly prohibited,"

Jaksa ICC Kena Sanksi Ekonomi dari AS Gegara Rilis Surat Penangkapan Netanyahu

Since the weekend, the Israeli army has widened its air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has been under relentless airstrikes since the surprise offensive by Hamas on 7 October.

Nearly 9,850 people have been killed in the conflict, including 8,306 Palestinians and more than 1,538 Israelis.

Pengarah Aliansi Rakyat Indonesia-Bela Palestina (ARI-BP) Hidayat Nur Wahid.

Kritik Trump yang Ingin Kuasai Gaza, HNW: Harus Ditolak, Itu Pengalihan Isu untuk Bantu Israel!

Rencana Presiden AS Donald Trump yang ingin mencaplok jalur Gaza, Palestina terus mendapat kecaman luas dari dunia internasional.

15 Februari 2025