Police Reveals Glass Bridge in Banyumas Without Feasibility Test

Jembatan kaca The Geong Banyumas pecah, 1 wisatawan tewas
Sumber :
  • Instagram: kamerapengawas.id

Banyumas  – The Geong glass bridge in Banyuwas which broke on Wednesday and has caused four tourists from Cilacap became victims. Two of them fell, and one has passed away. 

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Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit for the Banyumas Police, Commissioner Agus Supriyadi stated that this glass brodge never do a feasibility test. 

"This bridge is not equipped with a feasibility test. It has been under construction for 11 months and began operating since the last Eid Holiday," Supriyadi said in a statement. 

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 Jembatan kaca The Geong Banyumas pecah, 1 wisatawan tewas

Photo :
  • Antara

In addition, the glass bridge is not equipped with adequate safety systems. This can also be read by visitors before entering the ride. 

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"This bridge has no feasibility test from related parties. Then the business owner said this was built with employees. We found no adequate safety system in writing to guide visitors when entering," Supriyadi remarked. 

Regarding the element of negligence from the management, Supriyadi said that until now the Labfor Team is still working to check the type of glass used, the classification of glass, the feasibility of bridge construction. 

Wisatawan Terjatuh dari Jembatan Kaca The Geong Banyumas

Photo :
  • Tangkapan Layar: Instagram

"What we investigated at the scene, the glass was about 1.2 centimeters thick, then about 118 centimeters wide. We will check this, then what the Labfor results are, what should be installed with what size composition, later Labfor will explain with the construction experts we brought in," he explained.

As known, the news about the broken glass bridge had filled social media. A victim with the initials FA even died as a result of the accident. 

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