Jokowi Considers to Extend Rice Social Assistance Until December

Presiden Jokowi meninjau Gudang Bulog Sukamaju di Palembang, Sumatera Selatan
Sumber :
  • Bapanas

Palembang – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) considered to extend the time for providing social assistance to people until December 2023. 

Respons Projo soal Isu Jokowi-Gibran Gabung Golkar

Even the Head of State also plans to extend rice social assistance again until March 2024, if the State Budget finances are sufficient. 

"The government will again provide additional rice assistance in December 2023, It's planned to be extended in January, February, and March 2024 if the state budget is sufficient," President Jokowi said in a statement on Thursday.

Projo Bantah Isu Jokowi Bertemu Sultan HB X buat Jadi Mediator Pertemuan dengan Megawati

Presiden Jokowi menyerahkan bantuan beras kepada keluarga penerima manfaat (KPM)

Photo :
  • Setpres

As of October 2023, rice stocks in Bulog warehouses were recorded at 1.5 million tons. Meanwhile, rice assistance for the needs is targeted to reach 640 thousand tons, in the April-June 2023 period. 

Prabowo Disarankan Kirim Nota Protes ke Pemerintah Belanda terkait Riset OCCRP

Meanwhile, in the second phase, namely in September-November 2023, it is still processed with the same amount. 

Namely, each Beneficiary Family (KPM) gets 10 kilograms of rice for three months. Realization to date has reached 400 thousand tons, or 65 percent of the total target of 640 thousand tons. 

Especially for South Sumatra, the realization of the second phase of food assistance has reached 11,345 tons that have been distributed, or 69.07 percent of South Sumatra's total allocation of 16,426 tons. 

The total rice stock stored in the warehouses of Bulog South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung reached 23,200 tons.

Presiden Jokowi usai tinjau stok cadangan beras pemerintah di gudang Bulog Bogor

Photo :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden

The government decided to extend the rice food assistance for low-income people channeled from the Government Rice Reserve (CBP) managed by Bulog according to the assignment of the National Food Agency. 

Meanwhile, Head of the National Food Agency, Arief Prasetyo Adi stated that his office and Bulog ensure that the stock of government rice reserves is sufficient and safe. 

"The extension of the rice food assistance will target low-income communities," Adi remarked. 

"The community, especially the 20.622 million KPM throughout Indonesia, certainly really needs this assistance, because it really helps ease the burden and fulfill the basic needs, namely rice," he continued. 

Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Perekonomian ormas Musyawarah Kekeluargaan Gotong Royong (MKGR), Soedeson Tandra

MKGR Sebut Belum Ada Tanda-tanda Jokowi-Gibran Bergabung

Ketua Panitia Penyelenggara HUT Ke-65 MGKR ini menjelaskan organisasinya bersifat terbuka, termasuk kepada Jokowi dan Gibran.

18 Januari 2025