Indonesia Uses Right Strategies to Survive from Difficult Conditions

Indonesian Performance Outcomes 2023
Sumber :
  • Press Release

Jakarta – Amid a difficult global situation, the Indonesian Government has managed to survive in addressing several challenges. This was conveyed by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Presidency, Moeldoko, at the launch of Performance Outcomes 2023 on Tuesday. 

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Moeldoko explained that Indonesia's journey to survive the economic crisis caused by the pandemic wasn’t easy. Like many other countries, Indonesia has to deal with the residue and the uncertain global geopolitical situation. 

"The residue (after the Covid-19 pandemic) is long, plus the global geopolitical situation that makes the situation even more difficult. However, Indonesia managed to survive in these conditions," Moeldoko said in the Forum Merdeka Barat 9 (FMB9) dialog, in Jakarta, on Tuesday. 

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Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Presidency, Moeldoko

Photo :
  • Press Release

According to Moeldoko, the reason why Indonesia managed to overcome the Residue quickly was because the Government managed to use the right strategies. 

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"The first strategy is that the government makes maximum efforts to overcome the health and economic impacts left behind."

Second, the government distributed social assistance efficiently to ensure no one went hungry and provided much-needed support for those affected by the economy.

Third, the government maintains the role of the cooperative sector, MSMEs, and corporations in economic recovery. The government must ensure that none of these enterprises fail due to the crisis, Moeldoko continued. 

In addressing economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic coupled with the complicated geopolitical situation, the government wisely reallocated the budget.

Successfully overcoming the economic crisis, Indonesia is now heading towards an Advanced Indonesia 2045. This can happen if it is supported by five foundations, namely; the foundation of human resource development, the foundation of infrastructure development, and the foundation of bureaucratic reform. 

Then the foundation of regulatory improvement and the foundation of economic transformation. 

The government also continues to encourage sustainable economic growth, among others through industrial downstream and green economy development.

Minister Budi Arie Setiadi

Photo :
  • Press Release

On the same occasion, Minister of Communication and Information Technology Budi Arie Setiadi stated that to achieve the vision of an advanced Indonesia 2045, all aspects must be done early. 

This includes the development and equitable distribution of internet networks in Indonesia.

"There are three aspects of connectivity that need to be considered, namely capacity, coverage, and quality," Minister Setiadi said. 

On the capacity aspect, Indonesia still needs to catch up with other countries. The average internet speed in Indonesia is still at 22 Mbps. 

In terms of coverage, internet penetration in Indonesia has only reached 78 percent. This means that there are still 22 percent of Indonesia's population who don’t have internet access.

"This condition mainly happens in the 3T (Frontier, Outermost, Remote, and Disadvantaged) areas," the Minister informed. 

In terms of quality, the internet in Indonesia also still needs to be improved. There are still many areas in Indonesia that experience internet signal interference, especially in mountainous and watery areas.

The forum also revealed Indonesia's progress under the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin over the past ten years. 

Such as Indonesia's increasing role in various international forums, such as the G20, and ASEAN, and Indonesia's election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

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