Anindya Bakrie Highlights the Indonesian Female Athletes Empowerment

Anindya Bakrie at the session titled
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  • Instagram @Anindyabakrie

Jakarta – President Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) Anindya Novyan Bakrie highlighted the empowerment of Indonesian female athletes. He considered there were many outstanding female athletes. 

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This was discussed at the session titled "Beyond the Game: Women in Indonesian Sports" there was also Ralph Simon – founder of the global mobile entertainment & mobile social media industry – who was the speaker. 

Anindya Bakrie and Ralph Simon at the session titled Beyond the Game: Women in

Photo :
  • Instagram @Anindyabakrie
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"In my business group VIVA like @antv_official we are creating women empowerment programs. Because majority of the audience are women (55%) the management is also 45% women," wrote Anindya Bakrie through an Instagram post, on Sunday. 

"So, talking about women is interesting. Because as I often say; WHO RUNS THE WORLD? WOMEN!," Bakrie continued. 

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After that, Anindya Bakrie also highlighted that in sports especially in aquatics, 42,5% of swimmers are women. 

"Lots of great female athletes that showed up. Nowadays young female athletes are also amazing," he remarked. 

Bakrie also explained: "For example, @masiwolf which won gold at the SEA Games 2021 and 2023 set SEA Games record and ended the female athletes' medal cycle for 11 years," 

"In the beautiful jump is @gladiesgarina06 who got silver and bronze medals at SEA Games 2023. Though it was her first international debut," 

Also many more accomplishments of female athletes, Bakrie added. 

Anindya Bakrie at the session titled Beyond the Game: Women in Indonesian Spor

Photo :
  • Instagram @Anindyabakrie

Anindya Bakrie also said that in other fields for example on @ufc, "We also encourage female fighters such as @oneprideimma who even train to @linda_thearrow," 

In conclusion, Anindya Bakrie stated that women in sports can provide great power. That's why the empowerment efforts must continue. 

"Because I agree that Brigham Young said that; You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation," he concluded. 

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