Google Doodle Celebrates Papeda from Eastern Indonesia
Jakarta – One Indonesian food, Papeda or Sago porridge becomes a special design on today's Google Doodle.
Papeda is a delicious sago porridge that's a staple in Eastern Indonesia and has gained popularity all over the world. On October 20, 2015, Papeda was publicly declared an Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Papeda is a staple food that is often consumed by the Papuan people, or Maluku, and some areas in Sulawesi. This sago-based food is processed into a thick and sticky porridge.
Papeda dengan ikan kuah kuning.
- VIVA/Isra Berlian
"Millions of sagi palm trees veil the islands of Indonesia, and each year locals harvest it to export to other countries for cooking - like making papeda," wrote Google, as quoted on Friday.
One sago tree can produce nearly 150 to 300 kilograms of sago starch. The crop provides a balanced range of nutrients, including protein, carbs, calcium, and iron," it added.
It also means a lot more to the communities across Indonesia that it's helped sustain for centuries. Sago is still used in various Papuan and Moluccan rituals and ceremonies, like the Watani Kame (a ceremony marking the end of a person’s death cycle).
Masak papeda
- Istimewa
The people of Maluku, Papua, and surrounding areas consider that in addition to the ingredients that are easy to find, how to process sago is also very easy. Thus, they prefer sago as a staple food, compared to rice.
In general, papeda is consumed with mackerel and fish broth, but it can be replaced with red snapper, tuna, or cork fish. Most of these fishes are spiced with turmeric and lime, giving a distinctive yellow color to the broth.
Papeda is sometimes also consumed with boiled starchy tubers, such as those of cassava or yam. Besides yellow broth and fish, papeda can be enjoyed with gameno vegetables, which are made from young melinjo leaves, stir-fried papaya flowers, and red chilies.