5 Buses Burned at Bus Company Garage in Cirebon

Lima Bus Sahabat ludes terbakar di garasi perusahan bus, Pantura Plered, Cirebon
Sumber :
  • Azizi Erfan

Cirebon – A massive fire broke out in the garage of the Sahabat bus company in Plered District, Cirebon Regency, on Wednesday. As a result, five buses have burned down. 

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Initially, the fire emerged from one of the buses in the garage. However, the fire quickly spread to other buses due to the close proximity when parking.

Warga Cirebon saksikan gumpalan asap dari Bus Sahabat yang terbakar di garasi

Photo :
  • Azizi Erfan
Satu Keluarga Jemaah Umrah Asal Semarang Korban Tewas Kecelakaan Ingin Lebaran di Tanah Suci

Head of the Extinguishing, Rescue and Satpras Division of Cirebon Regency Firefighters, Agis Waisida revealed that the fire originated from a short circuit in the electrical installation of one of the buses that was being repaired.

"The fire incident started at 11 am, there were five bus units that caught fire. Temporary prediction is an electrical short circuit from one of the units, the electrical installation is chipped. The car was in the middle, so the right and left were burned," Waisida informed.

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Waisida also remarked the fire spread quickly due to the presence of diesel fuel.

"There were no difficulties, it was close to the guard post. There was also a boom because of the diesel fuel,"

Lima Bus Sahabat ludes terbakar di garasi perusahan bus, Pantura Plered, Cirebon

Photo :
  • Azizi Erfan

Firefighters deployed five units of fire trucks to turn off the fire.

"Extinguished by five units of fire trucks, extinguishing for half an hour, cooling for a long time maybe the rest. All burned, the worst bus in the middle, this is the bus company garage, there are no victims,"  Waisida revealed.

There were no casualties in the fire incident, but several bus drivers panicked when the fire spread to other buses.

For the extinguishing effort, officers immediately moved after receiving an initial report from the Weru Fire Brigade Guard Post, and were immediately followed up.

"There was also a diesel spill. So inevitably we have to secure it first. We are worried that it will spread to office buildings," Waisida said.

For now, the extinguishing has been completed and officers are still cooling down to prevent the fire from reappearing.

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