Dozens of People Injured by Two Trains Collision in Kulon Progo

Kecelakaan kereta api KA Argo Semeru dan KA Argo Wilis di Kulon Progo DIY
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Cahyo Edi

Yogyakarta – The total of people injured in the Argo Semeru and Argo Wilis train accident at kilometer 520+4 of Jalan Raya Sentolo, Wates, Kulon Progo, on Tuesday, reached dozens. 

Secretary of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Yogyakarta Special Region, Arif Noor Hartanto said the train accident resulted in 20 passengers being injured. Currently, the injured people have received medical treatment.

"According to information, the number (of injured passengers) is less than 20 people, 10 of whom need further treatment, the rest are only minor abrasions, only scratches on a very light surface, so they can immediately move on to continue their next trip," Hartanto explained. 

Kecelakaan kereta api KA Argo Semeru dan KA Argo Wilis di Kulon Progo DIY

Photo :
  • VIVA/Cahyo Edi

Hartanto revealed that the most serious injury of the passenger was a dislocated bone. The passenger is currently being treated at Queeb Latifa Hospital.

"So far the most serious victim only suffered a dislocation. There were no fatalities. In addition to medical treatment, post-accident trauma treatment is considered important for the passengers of Argo Wilis and Argo Semeru trains,” Hartanto added. 

Until now, the evacuation process of the Argo Wilis and Argo Semeru trains is still being carried out by KAI.

Meanwhile, all passengers have been evacuated to Wates Station. This passenger evacuation used the YIA Airport Train.

Kereta Argo Semeru anjlok di Wates

Photo :
  • Istimewa
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Previously reported, a train accident involving the Argo Semeru train majoring in Surabaya-Jakarta and Argo Wilis train majoring in Bandung-Surabaya occurred at Kalimenur Station, Sentolo District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta, Tuesday, October 17, 2023. This accident occurred at around 1:15 p.m.

Based on field observations, eight cars of Argo Semeru train were seen leaving the track. Meanwhile, Argo Wilis train was still on the track.

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Related to this accident, Kulon Progo Police Chief AKBP Nunuk Setiyowati said, the accident allegedly started from the fall of the Argo Semeru train that was traveling from east to west from the railroad track. 

The collapse of the Argo Semeru train caused some of its cars to leave the railroad track.

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Meanwhile, from the other direction, the Argo Wilis train was traveling from west to east. The collapse of the Semeru train disrupted the Argo Wilis train line. 

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