AIS Agree to Strengthen Cooperation Based on Solidarity

Presiden Jokowi membuka KTT Archipelagic and Island States Forum (AIS) 2023
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Nusa Dua – The Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) agree to strengthen their cooperation based on solidarity, equality, and inclusiveness principles. 

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This was expressed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) forum summit at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Bali. 

"Cooperation and unity of island countries and archipelagic states are needed to grow together and overcome various challenges," the Head of State said on Wednesday. 

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Archipelagic and Island States or AIS forum summit in Bali

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

The President has believed that developing Archipelagic and island countries have the same rights to progress and develop.

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Furthermore, President Jokowi also revealed that the organization of the AIS Forum is one of Indonesia's commitments to work together at a higher level. 

"This is Indonesia's commitment to work together at a higher level, to become an international organization in taking concrete steps to address regional and world issues," the President remarked. 

In addition, the AIS Forum Summit is also a forum to continue to voice the interests of developing countries and island nations, the Head of State added. 

Indonesia is also committed to preparing grant funds that can be utilized by archipelagic and island states.

"Indonesia is also committed to preparing grant funds that can be utilized, especially in addressing climate change and the development of blue innovation, as well as sustainable ocean governance," the Head of State continued. 

On that occasion, President Jokowi also explained that various collaborations from the AIS Forum have provided tangible benefits, including for coastal communities. 

Presiden Jokowi buka forum AIS

Photo :
  • Youtube Sekretariat Presiden

The President mentioned:  "several concrete benefits ranging from education, research, digitalization, to strategic benefits in environmental conservation," 

"Through scholarships, joint research funding, development of the AIS blue startup hub, MSME digitization training, innovative funding development. In addition, it also provides strategic benefits related to marine carbon accounting and mangrove forest preservation," President Widodo concluded. 

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