Two Burned to Death in Gambir Food Stall Fire

Sebuah Rumah Makan yang berlokasi di kawasan Gambir Jakarta Pusat terbakar
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Andrew Tito

Jakarta – A massive fire broke out at a food stall with cheap food in the Gambir area, Central Jakarta on Thursday. 

Liburan Nataru, Ratusan Ribu Tiket Kereta Jarak Jauh dari Stasiun Gambir Ludes Terjual

The Head of Jakarta's Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Isnawa Adji revealed that the fire caused two burns to death. 

"(There are) 2 victims who died with the initials P (22) female, T (39) female," Isnawa Adji said in his statement, on Thursday. 

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Adji said the fire incident occurred on Thursday, September 28, 2023, at around 1 PM, local time. Then, firefighters immediately went to the location by mobilizing 10 units of fire trucks. 

Sebuah Rumah Makan yang berlokasi di kawasan Gambir Jakarta Pusat terbakar

Photo :
  • VIVA/Andrew Tito
Momen Jokowi Sebut Nama Prabowo 2 Kali di HUT TNI-ke 79 Disambut Tepuk Tangan

The fire was extinguished at 01.28 PM, local time. A gas leak is suspected to be the cause of this large fire. 

"Business place or restaurant. Gas leak from the food stall is predicted," Adji informed. 

In addition to the death toll, three people were reportedly burned by the fire, one is a 7-year-old child. 

"R (7) male, SW (40) male, D (49) male. The injured victims are at Tarakan Hospital," he said.

The people who died have been evacuated to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). The injured victims have also received treatment from the medical team.

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