Mawlid Al-Nabi: The History of Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

Suasana Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW di Monas.
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Jakarta – All Muslims in the world celebrate Mawlid Al-Nabi to mark the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. Mawlid Al-Nabi is marked on the 12th Rabi'ul-awwal and for this year falls on September 28. 

Ini Langkah Praktis Memastikan Konsumsi Halal di Kehidupan Sehari-hari

The birth date of Prophet Muhammad is also known as Mawlid. The word, which is derived from Arabic, translates to birth in English. The origin of celebrating Eid Milad-un-Nabi can be traced back to the early days of Islam when people used to gather and read verses to honor the prophet. 

The life of Prophet Muhammad and his teachings, as reflected in the Hadith, have influenced many across the world.

Jerman Was-was Serangan Terhadap Muslim Meningkat Usai Insiden Magdeburg

The Mawlid Al-Nabi serves as an opportunity for people of the Muslim community to remember and honor Prophet Muhammad's life and what he stood for.

Maulid Nabi

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Wisatawan Muslim Indonesia Makin Mudah Cari Referensi Tur Halal di 4 Negara Ini

People celebrate this festival by beautifying mosques, streets, and residential areas with colorful artificial lighting. People also take out large processions remembering Prophet Muhammad.

How about the history of Mawlid Al-Nabi? So, here's to learn more. 

The celebration of the Prophet's birthday first appeared during the reign of Caliph al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah of the Fatimid dynasty in Egypt in the 4th century AH (10th century CE). 

The Fatimids were Ismaili Shi'a, and they celebrated the Prophet's birthday to reinforce their identity and beliefs. 

This first celebration took place with great pomp and fanfare, involving poetry readings, religious lectures, and celebrations.

From Egypt, the celebration of the Prophet's birthday spread to other Islamic regions. Although there are differences of opinion among scholars about the validity of this celebration, many Muslims celebrate the Prophet's birthday as an important moment in Islamic history.

Over time, the celebration of the Prophet's birthday has evolved significantly. Various traditions have emerged in different Muslim communities around the world. 

There are some of the common traditions in the celebration of the Prophet's birthday, as following:

1. Read Surahs

In this celebration, Muslims often read and listen to stories about the life of Prophet Muhammad. This includes his life history, teachings, and struggles in spreading Islam.

2. Prayer and Dhikr

Maulid Nabi is often accompanied by prayer and dhikr sessions, where Muslims gather to pray together and remember Allah and the Prophet's teachings.

3. Parades and Social Activities

In some places, the celebration of the Prophet's birthday may take the form of a parade or procession in which Muslims participate. In addition, many social activities are also held, such as giving food for people who need it. 

4. Poetry Recitation and Art Performance

The Prophet's birthday is often enlivened with art performances, such as poetry readings and lectures. These poems praise the Prophet Muhammad and express love and admiration for him.

5. Make Special Food

Some Muslim communities serve special food called "Halwa" or other sweet dishes during the Prophet's birthday celebrations.

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