Radjak Hospital Purwakarta Become Primary focus in Preparing Treatment of Accident Victims

Radjak Hospital
Sumber :
  • Radjak Hospital

Purwakarta – The holiday season is eagerly anticipated by many people around the world, and it's no different in Indonesia. Cikampek, Purwakarta, and surrounding areas are known as gateways to popular vacation destinations, but unfortunately, they often become locations for traffic accidents as well.

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That's why Radjak Hospital Purwakarta has become a primary focus in preparing for the treatment of accident victims.

Located near major toll roads, Radjak Hospital Purwakarta is one of the hospitals that collaborates with toll road authorities to serve as the main referral center for traffic accident victims in the region.

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Dr. M. Andri Muttaqin, Director of Radjak Hospital Purwakarta, expressed, "We are grateful to have expert doctors and our hospital facilities to support these services, allowing us to provide patients with comprehensive and multidisciplinary care."

In addition to treating accident victims, this hospital offers a range of excellent services. Dr. Andri stated, "We have a Brain & Spine Center, Pain Intervention Center, and Trauma Center." This demonstrates their commitment to providing comprehensive and integrated care to their patients.

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What sets Radjak Hospital Purwakarta apart is its collaboration with toll road operators. Susi Suciati, Head of Marketing Division at Radjak Hospital Purwakarta, explained,

"We cooperate with the Cipularang and Cipali toll roads. These two toll road sections work with us, so several accident cases, even all accident cases on these two toll sections, are referred to our hospital."

Furthermore, the hospital also coordinates with the Subang and Purwakarta Police and PT Jasa Raharja, which plays a role in insuring accident patients. This is a crucial step to ensure that patients receive timely and quality care.

Over the years, Radjak Hospital Purwakarta has remained a fixture in the healthcare industry. Dr. Andri stated, "We will continue to be committed to providing healthcare services, by adding new services."

Their plans include introducing ESWL and an Executive Clinic in the near future, as well as increasing the number of sub-specialist doctors to handle various medical cases.

Their healthcare services are not limited to one field. Specialized doctors at this hospital work together to treat patients from diagnostic stages to management, even to surgery.

Neurological cases such as trauma and brain injuries, as well as other issues like strokes, bleeding, and brain tumors, are part of their focus on patient care.

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