LRT Jabodebek to Add More Daily Trips: Here's the Latest Update

LRT Jabodebek, Ujicoba Terbatas
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – LRT Jabodebek is preparing to add more daily trips starting September 16, 2023. The additional trips are the result of an evaluation of the high demand of users from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi (Jabodebek). 

Intip Persiapan LRT Jabodebek Jelang Libur Lebaran, Ini Kata Dirut KAI

Vice President of Public Relations of Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI), Joni Martinus said that LRT Jabodebek will increase the number of trips to 202 trips from 158 trips every day. 

"In addition to add more trips, the arrival time between trains will also be shorter," Martinus said in a statement in Jakarta on Friday. 

Dari Perjalanan hingga Akomodasi, Cara Memilih Layanan Haji dan Umroh yang Tepat

"With more trips, the headway will be cut to 17 minutes from the previous 20 minutes for Jati Mulya-Cawang and Harjamukti-Cawang. Meanwhile, the Cawang-Dukuh Atas route will be covered in 9 minutes from the previous 10 minutes,” he added. 

Penumpang padati stasiun LRT Jabodebek.

Photo :
  • Istimewa.
LRT Jabodebek Tembus 100 Ribu Pengguna, Cetak Rekor Tertinggi Sejak Beroperasi

As the number of trips increases, Martinus ensures that there will be adjustments to the travel schedule. So that LRT Jabodebek will serve the public later than the previous schedule. 

"The increase in the number of trips is one indicator of the successful implementation of the National Strategic Project (PSN) mandated to KAI, where the results are increasingly in demand by the public," he informed. 

The high public interest in using Jabodebek LRT can be seen since its inauguration on August 28 to September 13, 2023, where Jabodebek LRT has served 629,929 passengers. 

"KAI hopes that with the additional daily trips, LRT Jabodebek can serve the community even better," he said.

Martinus explained that the first departure of Jabodebek LRT was at 05.10 AM local time from Jatimulya Station to Dukuh Atas, while the second departure was at 05.06 am local time for the Harjamukti-Dukuh Atas crossing, at 05.59 am local time for the Dukuh Atas-Harjamukti crossing, and at 06.08 am local time for the Dukuh Atas-Jatimulya crossing.

As per the latest schedule for the Jabodebek LRT, the last train on the Jati Mulya-Dukuh Atas line is at 6.26 pm local time, while it is at 6.58 pm on the Harjamukti-Dukuh Atas line, 7.27 pm. on the Dukuh Atas-Jati Mulya line, and 7.51 pm on the Dukuh Atas-Harjamukti line.

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