Aircraft Storage Warehouse in Depok Caught Fire as Trash Burning

Gudang penyimpanan pesawat di Depok terbakar
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Galih Purnama

Depok – The aircraft storage warehouse on Curug Street, Pondok Petir, Bojongsari, Depok, West Java caught on fire that caused by an employee burning trash and the fire quickly spread due to hot weather and flammable materials.

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"The residents burned garbage but could not be controlled, there was propagation through dry branches so that it spread," said Head of the Rescue Section of the Depok City Fire Department, Tesy Haryati, on Wednesday. 

Haryati said that the warehouse staff burned the garbage. However, the officer did not expect the fire to spread and burn the warehouse.

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"The warehouse staff set the fire," she explained.

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Photo :
  • Pixabay.
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The fire happened at 1:30 PM. Her party immediately went to the location to extinguish the fire. The fire was extinguished within an hour. Luckily, there were no casualties in this incident.

"As a result of this fire, two people were rescued. No one was injured," Haryati remarked. 

Regarding sanctions, Haryati fully submitted to the Depok Pamong Praja Police Unit. 

Meanwhile, Head of the Depok Pamong Praja Police Unit, M Tamrin, said that his party would check the scene.

"Officers always reprimand residents who burn garbage," Tamrin said. 

"We will check the location. Our officers control the burning of garbage by the community every day," he added. 

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