Morocco Authorities Only Accept Assistance from Four Countries

Puing-puing rumah yang terdampak gempa di Maroko
Sumber :
  • AP Photo/Mosaab Elshamy

Morocco – After the huge earthquake hit Morocco, the authorities announced only accept assistance from four countries, namely Spain, the United Kingdom (UK), the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Qatar

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In a written statement Sunday, Morocco's Home Affairs Ministry conveyed that the country has accepted offers from the four nations to dispatch search and rescue teams.

"The authorities carefully assessed the requirements, considering the potential consequences of coordination deficiencies in such situations following the earthquake," the statement added.

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The statement said the search and rescue teams entered the country on Sunday to work in coordination with Moroccan teams, and it was emphasized that offers of support from other friendly countries could be accepted based on potential needs in the field.

It also expressed Morocco's gratitude for the initiatives extended by various countries.

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Jenazah korban tewas gempa di Marrakesh, Maroko, Sabtu, 9 September 2023.

Photo :
  • AP Photo/Mosaab Elshamy

At least 2,122 people were killed and 2,421 others were injured when a magnitude-7 earthquake struck Morocco late Friday, according to the Home Affairs Ministry.

The earthquake was the strongest to hit the North African country in the last century, according to Morocco’s National Geophysical Institute.

As information, Spain has sent a search and rescue unit with sniffer dogs and the UK has deployed a similar team, but there are questions as to why Morocco has been slow to accept other offers. 

French assistance has been prepared, but the Head of the rescue charity, Secouristes sans Frontieres, said his officers had not received permission from the Moroccan government.

Algeria, which broke diplomatic ties with its North African neighbor two years ago, said it could send 80 specialized rescue workers from its civil protection forces. 

There have also been offers from the United States, Tunisia, Turkey, and Taiwan. But the decision on what aid to accept has been caught up in questions of sovereignty and geopolitics. 

In addition, there are strained relations between France and Morocco, as example partly due to French President Emmanuel Macron's move closer to Algeria. 

However, French authorities have sought to play down the notion that they have been insulted. 

"This is a misplaced controversy. We are ready to help Morocco. This is Morocco's sovereign decision and it's up to them to decide," Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna remarked. 

Morocco said that the country wanted to maintain control and didn't want to risk a potentially chaotic situation if dozens of countries and organizations came to help. 

"Lack of coordination in such cases would be counterproductive," Morocco authorities said. 

However, Morocco also expressed gratitude for the initiatives taken by various countries. 

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