Using Electric Motorcycle Becomes One of Solutions for Air Pollution

VIVA Otomotif: Peluncuran Alva Cervo di Jakarta
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Jakarta – The Indonesian government still continue to handle the air pollution problem, especially in Jakarta by encouraging people to use electric vehicles. 

Usai Cervo Merajai Penjualan, Alva Beri Sinyal Bakal Ada Jagoan Baru

As one of the electric motorcycle manufacturers in Indonesia, Alva is socializing with the public about environmentally friendly electric motorcycle. 

Alva and motorcycle buying and selling site from Adira Dinamika Multi Finance (Adira Finance) collaborated by organizing EVperience at Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading (MKG) from September 1 until 3, 2023. 

Dulu Ragu, Sekarang Penasaran! Alva Ungkap Perubahan Sikap Konsumen Motor Listrik

"Together with, we provide an opportunity for the public to experience the sensation of driving an electric vehicle or Test Ride the Alva Cervo and Alva One units, which are available in the Kelapa Gading Mall area," said Alva Chief Marketing Officer, Putu Yudha in the EVperience event, at Kelapa Gading Mall, East Jakarta, on Friday. 

According to Yudha, this EVperience also aims to increase public education about electric vehicles, "Currently, there are many people are wrong assumptions about electric vehicles. Then, we made this EVperience so they understand how it feels to ride an electric motorcycle,"

Harapan Produsen Soal Kelanjutan Skema Subsidi Motor Listrik Tahun Ini

Alva gandeng buat Evperience

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

Furthermore, Yudha also revealed some of the benefits of using an electric motorcycle, especially the Alva brand, which is cost-effective because it does not use fuel and is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t emit exhaust emissions. 

As information, it was recorded that air pollution in Jakarta related to Particulate Matter (PM2.5) was contributed by the dominant transportation, industrial, and power plant sectors. In fact, there are currently around 40 million motorcycle in the capital city. 

Furthermore, as the initiator of the EVperience event, Edwin Kartawinata as Head of Digital Business Adira Finance, said that Momotor as part of Adira Finance also sees that electric motors are one of the solutions to reduce the impact of air pollution in the capital city. 

"We see that electric motorcycle is one of the solutions for a more environmentally friendly driving choice that will reduce the impact of air pollution in the capital city," Kartawinata said on the same occasion. 

In EVperience there are interesting programs from, including, consumers who do a motorbike trade-in program will get an e-money voucher of IDR 1.5 million, and consumers who buy a motorbike will get an e-money voucher of  IDR 750 thousand.

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