Minister Ensures Soekarno-Hatta Airport Readiness for ASEAN Summit
- Sherly/VIVA.
Tangerang – The Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi ensures the readiness of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport services ahead of the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, on September 5-7.
"I want to ensure the readiness of the VVIP terminal to welcome state guests and delegates," Minister Sumadi stated at the VVIP Terminal of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Banten, Tangerang, on Wednesday.
During the visit, Minister Sumadi inspected Terminal 3 VVIP and Commercial Important Person (CIP) in Terminal 1.
Menhub Budi Karya Sumadi.
- Dokumentasi Kemenhub.
He also coordinated with stakeholders regarding the readiness of vehicle flow plans, aircraft parking stands, aircraft and delegates, as well as arranging aircraft arrival and departure schedules.
"We continue to coordinate intensively with various parties such as ground handling, immigration, and other related parties, so that VVIP and regular flights can run smoothly," the Minister remarked.
"We want to give a good impression to the state guests and maintain the good name of Indonesia which is gaining high trust from the international community to organize world meetings such as the G20 and the ASEAN Summit,"
At the 43rd ASEAN Summit, several state leaders and domestic and foreign delegations will attend from ASEAN member states, partner countries, ambassadors of friendly countries, and international organizations in Jakarta, representatives of ministries and agencies, state-owned enterprises, and transportation sector stakeholders.
It's estimated that around 27 leaders of countries and international organizations will attend, including leaders of countries participating in the East Asia Summit (EAS), leaders of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF), leaders of the Indian Ocean Rim Countries Association (IORA), as well as Executive Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.