Indonesia Exports Mung Beans to China, Worth IDR 16,8 Billion

Kacang Hijau
Sumber :
  • Pixabay/ Ivabalk

Jakarta – The Agriculture Minister, Syahrul Yasin Limpo revealed that Indonesia exports 1,000 tonnes of mung beans which worth IDR 16,8 Billion.

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"This export is a proof of the resilience of Indonesian agricultural sector in the face of global challenges such as El Nino," Minister Limpo said, as quoted on Tuesday.

"So it is also necessary to encourage an increase in the downstreaming of mung beans, so that it can provide added value to the national economy."

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The minister said that mung beans produced in Indonesia, which are grown in tropical climates, have comparative advantages that are not shared by other countries.

Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo

Photo :
  • Humas Kementan
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Thus, the demand for exports is still very open. Moreover, mung beans are a food crop commodity that is much needed both domestically and abroad.

Minister Limpo admitted that he would work with back-up, so that in the future it could be targeted that mung bean exports could increase to 10 thousand tons.

"The efforts made include increasing the planting of mung beans of various varieties, according to market demand," he said.

"And, later you will absorb the production, so we share the task. This is an opportunity for us because mung beans are very suitable for dry weather conditions like we are currently facing," he added.

The minister also mentioned: "The export target for agricultural commodities in 2023 is around IDR 900 trillion, an increase from the previous year which amounted to IDR 658.18 Trillion."

Therefore, the Agriculture Ministry will continue to increase the volume of mung bean exports, and add export destination countries to pursue the agricultural commodity export target in 2023

"We are targeting our exports in 2023 to reach IDR 900 trillion. So the government, business actors and other parties must work together, divide the tasks so that the target can be achieved," the Minister remarked.

For mung beans, exports will not only go to China, but also to the Philippines, Thailand, and we encourage businesses to explore markets in Europe, he added.

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