President Jokowi Emphasizes Importance of Tolerant Diversity

Presiden Jokowi usai Resmikan Muktamar Sufi Internasional,
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Jakarta – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized the importance of tolerance, harmony, and unity amid the diversity that exists in Indonesia and the world. This was conveyed when opening the 2023 International Sufi Congress on Tuesday.

"Thank you for teaching, always teaching harmony, peace, harmony, tolerance amid our diversity and unity amid our differences," the President said at the Sahid International Convention Center, Pekalongan, Central Java, on Tuesday.

Respons Jokowi soal Putusan MK Hapus Presidential Threshold

Presiden Jokowi di Muktamar IPM, Deli Serdang, Sumut

Photo :
  • Istimewa/VIVA

Moderate attitudes and mutual interaction are very important to unite the nation amid diversity or Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the Head of State said.

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President Jokowi also said: "As a country with a pluralistic population, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the spirit of the Indonesian nation with 270 million diverse people, diverse ethnicities, diverse religions."

"We continue to unite, we can maintain our political stability, all thanks to the moderate character of the Indonesian people who maintain tolerance and unity," 

Bela Jokowi, PSI Singgung Barisan Sakit Hati di Balik Publikasi Riset OCCRP

However, President Jokowi didn't deny that there are still cases of intolerance in Indonesian society. This must be a common concern to increase tolerance so that the peace of Indonesia and the world is maintained.

"I believe that the practice of Sufism has an important role that is always present with the values of universal humanism with the principles of wasathiyah Islam, moderate Islam that will further strengthen tolerance, unity and integrity," President Jokowi said.

On the occasion, the President also appreciated the holding of the International Sufi Congress is important in introducing moderate Islam in the country and increasing world confidence in Indonesia and making Indonesia increasingly taken into account.

"The holding of this congress also has a very important meaning, proving that Indonesia has a very strategic role, contributing to building a peaceful and harmonious world civilization. This congress embodies the noble values of Sufism and Tariqah, bringing Sufism and Tariqah closer to their respective countries," he explained.

The President also expressed his hope that this congress can be an inspiration and example for the Islamic world and bring Muslims towards improvement and goodness.

"I hope this congress could provide solutions amid the humanitarian crisis that is currently engulfing the world," he concluded. 

Presiden RI ke-7 Joko Widodo (Jokowi) di kawasan Jakarta Pusat, Senin, 18 November 2024

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3 Januari 2025