Minister Strengthens Indonesian Position on Trade-Investment

Mendag Zulkifli Hasan di India.
Sumber :
  • Istimewa.

Jakarta – The Indonesian minister of trade, Zulkifli Hasan visited India on Tuesday to attend the G20 event. He will do several activities to strengthen the Indonesian position in front of the G20 countries on trade and investment. 

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"The event is on the 24th.There is a Trade and Investment Ministerial Meeting attended by G20 countries. One of the G20 India series this year is centered in Jaipur. I came early to do some activities in Mumbai. Both with ITPC Mumbai and with the business community here," Minister Hasan said in a statement on Wednesday. 

According to the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Mumbai, Minister Zulkifli Hasan will make several visits. Among them are visiting the Consulate General's office to stay in touch and dialogue, visiting the spice market, and touring the Gateway of India. 

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Mendag Zulkifli Hasan atau Zulhas

Photo :
  • Antara

Minister Hasan is known to carry out several important activities while in Jaipur to strengthen Indonesia's position before the G20 countries in the fields of trade and investment. 

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He is also scheduled to participate in opening the G20 TIMM meeting with India's Minister of Commerce and Industry, Piyush Goyal.

During his visit this time, Minister Hasan said he was happy to see India, as experienced by Indonesia, "I feel the development of India under Modi. I have been to India several times, now development is carried out rapidly,"

Ketua Umum PAN, Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas di acara Workshop Partai Amanat Nasional bertema ‘Terdepan Mewujudkan Kedaulatan Pangan’ di Surabaya, dikutip Jumat, 20 Desember 2024 (sumber: istimewa)

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Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN), Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas mengatakan ada 9 pengurus partainya yang masuk ke dalam Kabinet Merah Putih Presiden RI Prabowo Subia

20 Desember 2024