Manpower Ministry Commits with Law Enforcement in Indonesia

Kepala Biro Humas Kemnaker, Chairul Fadhly Harahap
Sumber :
  • Kemnaker

Jakarta – The Indonesian Manpower Ministry stated to commit with law enforcement in Indonesia. This ministry will be always cooperative and supportive of various law enforcement processes. 

Penyidik KPK Cecar Ronny Sompie soal Perlintasan Harun Masiku

"Today, we have the arrival of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) team, especially in the directorate that handles migrant workers' issues, which used to be called the Directorate of PTKLN," said Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Manpower, Chairul Fadhly Harapap after the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) team visited the Ministry of Manpower office in Jakarta on Friday. 

Harahap has not explained in detail the KPK's visit to the Ministry of Manpower office. 

Eks Dirjen Imigrasi Ronny Sompie Dicecar Puluhan Pertanyaan soal Harun Masiku

Then, he emphasized that his party would always cooperate with the law enforcement process by statutory provisions. 

"In principle, we are ready to support and provide information openly regarding this issue when the information is complete. Obviously, we also respect and follow the procedures according to the applicable provisions,"

Yasonna Belum jadi Tersangka Meski Punya Peran Sama dengan Loyalis Hasto, Begini Jawaban KPK
Juru Bicara KPK Tessa Mahardhika di KPK

KPK Belum Tahu Ada Pegawainya Bocorkan OTT Harun Masiku

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) tidak mendapatkan informasi bahwa ada pegawai internal KPK yang membocorkan terkait operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) kasus korupsi yang men

3 Januari 2025