Indonesia Claims Success in Decreasing Stunting Rate, Jokowi Reveals

Pidato Presiden Jokowi Sampaikan RUU Anggaran Pendapatan dan APBN 2024
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Jakarta – The Indonesian President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) claims that Indonesia has been successful in reducing stunting of the chronic malnutrition rate to 21.6 percent and increasing the Human Development Index (HDI) to 72.9 in 2022. 

Dukungan Penuh Jokowi Soal Megawati Akan Ketemu Prabowo: Sangat Bagus, Sangat Bagus

Jokowi said the statement at the 2023 MPR Annual Session and 2023 Joint Session of the Indonesian House of Representative Council (DPD) in Jakarta on Wednesday. 

"Increasing HDI to 72.9 percent and Gender Empowerment Index (GDI) to 76.5 percent in 2022 also preparing a social protection budget amounting to IDR 2,312 Trillion for the 2015-2023 period," the Head of State said. 

President Widodo explained that the social protection budget in the 2015-2023 period was intended for several programs, such as Healthy Indonesia Cards (KIS), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) for Higher Education, Family Hope Program (PKH), Basic Food Card, and protection for the elderly. 

Penderita Stunting

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Polda Kalsel Bagikan 25.000 Bibit Ikan untuk Petani Tambak hingga Bantuan Stunting

In the budget, the government also makes efforts for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups as well as conducts training and capacity building or re-skilling and up-skilling of the workforce through job training centers and the Pre-Employment Card Program.

In line with this, Jokowi highlighted that the government is preparing human resources to increase employment opportunities, so it can boost national productivity.

The president remarked that Indonesia's human resources can develop new economic sectors that provide a large number of jobs and added value to as much extent as possible.

President Widodo affirmed that the preparation of high-quality human resources was also aimed at increasing Indonesia's credibility and gaining international trust.

"The voice of Indonesia will be heard more, so it will make us easier to negotiate. We must be able to use that opportunity (international trust). It will be a great loss if we miss this opportunity because not all countries have a chance, and it is not certain that we will gain it again," the Head of State explained. 

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