Jakarta Government Build Strategy for Air Pollution Improvement
- ANTARA FOTO/Fauzan/nym.
Tangerang – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) discussed strategies to improve the air quality in the Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi (Jabodetabek) region that has been very bad in the past week. The strategies are divided into short, medium, and long term.
"The President has emphasized that in the short term there must be intervention and it must be done immediately," Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya said after attending a limited meeting chaired by President Jokowi, in Jakarta on Monday.
The interventions include enforcing the Euro 5 and 6 policies, increasing green open space (RTH), and re-implementing work from home (WFH).
"In the medium term, reduce fossil vehicles. We already have MRT, LRT, high-speed trains, and also an electrification agenda. For the long term, obviously we have also started climate mitigation and adaptation with strict monitoring in Jabodetabek," Minister Nurbaya explained.
Meanwhile, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said the government will tighten the implementation of emission tests. Regarding vehicle utility, the government is considering making a four-in-one policy.
"As example, from Bekasi, from Tangerang, from Depok, they go to office together and take turns driving a car, so the number will decrease," Minister Sumadi said.
The government is also encouraging the increased use of electric vehicle and has asked PLN to expand its Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU).
"I hope that not only government agencies but also the private sector domiciled in Jabodetabek will start using electric vehicles, both motorcycles, cars, and others,"
Then, Jakarta Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono said that his office will re-apply the WFH policy for its employees.
"Work from home 50 percent: 50 percent or 60 percent and 40 percent to reduce daily activities in the Jakarta Regional Government. And, earlier we asked other ministries to also work from home," Hartono emphasized.
Hartono added that the Jakarta Provincial Government will also tighten construction permits and propose the use of Pertamax Turbo for vehicles with a capacity of 2,400 cc. In line with the central government's policy, the city will also tighten the implementation of motor vehicle emission tests.
"The rules already exist. Later we will conduct emission tests at certain points in collaboration with Polda Metro Jaya, and obviously in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Transportation," he said.