Java Supports Indonesian Economic Growth in Second Quarter of 2023

Ilustrasi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi/Realisasi Investasi.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – The Statistic Indonesia (BPS) reported that Java Island is still the main supporter of Indonesian economic growth, which reached 5.17 percent in the second quarter of 2023.

Polisi Tangkap Satpam SMA di Sleman karena Pasok Senjata Api ke KKB Papua

Deputy for Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of the Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Moh. Edy Mahmud explained, the contribution of Java Island to the national economy in the second quarter of 2023 reached 57.27 percent or increased from the previous quarter which amounted to 57.18 percent.

"The group of provinces in Java Island is the main contributor to the national economy, with a role of 57.27 percent and recorded a growth rate of 5.17 percent (yoy) compared to the second quarter of 2022," Mahmud said in a teleconference on Monday. 

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On the other hand, Sumatra Island contributed 21.94 percent to the national economy, followed by Kalimantan Island with a contribution of 8.32 percent, and Sulawesi Island which contributed 7.13 percent. 

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (ilustrasi)

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa
Ribuan Amunisi dan Belasan Senpi dari Bojonegoro Disita, Diduga untuk KKB Papua

"Then, there is also Bali and Nusa Tenggara with a contribution of 2.77 percent, as well as Maluku and Papua Islands which contributed 2.57 percent."

However, Mahmud emphasized that although Java Island made the largest contribution to the national economy in the second quarter of 2023, the highest economic growth spatially was recorded by Sulawesi Island. 

Where, the economy grew 6.64 percent on an annual basis, or higher than the same period the previous year which amounted to 6.48 percent.

Then, Maluku and Papua Islands also recorded higher economic growth than the national level, which amounted to 6.35 percent. However, the growth rate was lower than the second quarter of 2022 which reached up to 13.07 percent.

"Kalimantan Island also recorded higher economic growth than the national, at 5.56 percent," Mahmud said. 

Meanwhile, the economic growth of Sumatra Island and Bali & Nusa Tenggara was lower than the national economic growth. Each only amounted to 4.90 percent and 3.01 percent, he added. 

"In general, we can see that economic growth in the second quarter of 2023 is still smaller than economic growth in the second quarter of 2022," he concluded. 

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